Health Services for Men and Women

Mixed race couple holding children between them.

AIDS/HIV Testing - Confidential testing available. You may contact your local health department for times and appointments.

Family Planning - Family planning clinics offer a broad range of FDA-approved contraceptive methods and related counseling; as well as breast and cervical cancer screening; pregnancy testing and counseling; screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs); HIV testing; and other patient education and referrals.

Health Education - The staff is available to help with community health education, promotion, worksite programs, health counseling, and coalition building for better health.

Immunizations - All immunizations including vaccines for children; influenza and pneumonia vaccines; information and immunizations for overseas travel. You may contact your local health department for service times and appointments.

Sexually Transmitted Illness - Education, counseling, screening tests, exams and treatment. Completely confidential. Includes HIV testing. Call your local health department for clinic times.

Tuberculosis - Evaluation and monitoring for TB cases and contacts. TB assessments, tuberculin skin and blood tests, and chest X-rays as indicated. Testing is available for childcare providers. Call your local health department for an appointment.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program - Nutrition education and counseling and special food vouchers for eligible children less than five years of age. Services: Children 0-5 years of age, pregnant women, women until child is 6 months old, or up to 1 year if fully breast feeding. Provide financial assistance with food and formula. Find more information on the Infants and Children page, or contact the local health department for more detailed information. Appointments required. Nondiscrimination Statement.

Nursing Home Pre-Screenings (for possible nursing home placement).  Contact the local Department of Social Services.

Vital Statistics - Certified copies of death certificates are issued locally upon appropriate request. Birth and death certificate application available here.