EMS for Children Survey

ImportantSurvey Response Data Summary – March 20, 2014 (Final Results)

The national EMS for Children (EMSC) Survey was completed March 1, 2014 when the online “survey portal” closed.  Virginia enjoyed a final survey response rate of 85.3%, clearly exceeding the 80% threshold federal grant partners require in order for the data to be considered valid. Charts graphically detailing the Virginia response can be seen by clicking on the blue link above (Survey Response Data Summary).  Some quick highlights:

  • Virginia returned far more online surveys than any other state or U.S. territory (425).  The next closest states were Nebraska (364), North Carolina (363), New York (361) and Texas (326).
  • All Virginia EMS Regional Councils generated a survey response rate of at least 60% or higher.
  • 6 of the 11 Councils had a response rate of 94% or higher.
  • 3 EMS Regional Councils achieved a 100% response rate (BREMS, ODEMSA, and WVEMS)!

498 licensed EMS agencies that respond to 911 calls were invited to take the EMSC survey.  The survey was designed to determine each state’s progress toward achieving specific federal EMSC Performance Measures related to online and offline pediatric medical direction, and the presence of specific pediatric equipment and supplies on ambulances that respond to 911 calls.

The 11 EMS Regional Council Directors were primary partners in facilitating the submission of surveys from their area. The Council Directors, OEMS and EMSC program staff, EMSC Committee members and many others worked very hard to encourage Virginia EMS agencies to achieve a healthy survey response rate, inspired no doubt in part by the 97% response rate achieved by Virginia hospitals during their own national EMSC Survey completed few months ago (Pediatric Readiness Project).

The excellent participation by Virginia EMS agencies during this assessment has very likely assured that significant EMSC funding will be received by the Virginia Office of EMS—benefitting EMS agencies, hospitals and EMS providers in multiple supportive ways (equipment, supplies, training, etc.), and the results of the assessment will focus the federal funding toward addressing specific system needs.

Last Updated: January 17, 2017