Friendship Health and Rehab Center


Facility Information:
OPERATOR: Friendship Health and Rehab Center, Inc.
PROVIDER: 49-5092
Non-Profit (Beds: 253 SNF/NF)
Specialized Unit: Dementia – 36 Beds

367 Hershberger Rd
Roanoke, VA 24012-1983
PHONE: (540) 265-2100 | FAX: (540) 265-2048


 If the survey was conducted less than 70 days ago, the report may still be pending and will be posted once complete.
If  no deficiencies were found during the survey, the report may not be posted

Health Surveys

2023 Friendship H&R 03-23-2023 Complaint
Friendship H&R 05-04-2023 Complaint Revisit
2022 Friendship H&R 03-10-2022 Standard
Friendship H&R 11-10-2022 COVID-19 Focus
2021 Friendship H&R 06-17-2021 Standard
Friendship H&R 06-17-2021 State
2020 Friendship H&R 02-27-2020 Standard
Friendship H&R 02-06-2020 Complaint
Friendship H&R 06-16-2020 COVID-19 Focus [No Def.]
2019 Friendship H&R 05-14-2019 Complaint
  Friendship H&R 09-20-2019 Complaint
2018 Friendship H&R 05-31-2018 Complaint
Friendship H&R 11-16-2018 Standard
2017 Friendship H&R 08-10-2017 Standard


Life Safety Surveys

 2019 Friendship H&R 12-19-2019 LSC
2018 Friendship H&R 11-26-2018 LSC
2017  Friendship H&R 08-24-2017 LSC Standard
 Friendship H&R 10-06-2017 LSC Revisit