March 31, 2023
Media Contact: Caitlin Hodge, Public Information Officer: 804-365-4316
Fox Tests Positive for the Rabies Virus in Chickahominy Health District
ASHLAND, VA — The Chickahominy Health District would like to notify the residents in the areas near Cool Spring Elementary School and Chickahominy Middle School, off Honey Meadows Road in Mechanicsville, that a fox has tested positive for the rabies virus. The fox no longer poses a threat to the public.
Potential exposures to a rabid animal include bites, scratches, or contact with saliva by open wound or eyes, nose, and/or mouth. Anyone having information regarding any exposure to this animal in the days leading up to March 28, 2023 should contact the Hanover Health Department at (804) 365-4313. Exposures also include direct contact between your pet and the rabid animal. After hours, please contact the Hanover County Animal Control at (804) 365-6140.
Rabies is a fatal, but preventable, disease carried by mammals that is endemic to the area. The district would like to remind all citizens to follow these three important rabies prevention guidelines:
- Vaccinate your pets.
- Report all exposures to animals (usually bites and scratches) to your doctor and the local health department.
- Enjoy wildlife from a distance – do not feed or encourage wild animals such as raccoons, skunks, or foxes to visit your premises.
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