Virginia Monthly Morbidity Surveillance Report – 2017

The Division of Surveillance and Investigation compiles morbidity reports for all reportable conditions in Virginia. Data are updated monthly, and the date reported indicates the date the information was entered into the Virginia Electronic Disease Surveillance System (VEDSS). The following tables represent selected data reported from January 2017 through December 2017.

Please keep the following notes in mind when reviewing these data:

  • Data are based on morbidity assigned to specific counties, regardless of where the field investigation may have occurred. Epidemiologic follow-up is not always performed by health department staff in the locality where morbidity is assigned.
  • Data include only those Investigations for which Notifications have been submitted and approved by VDH Central Office staff as meeting CDC/CSTE case definition criteria.
  • Month and year correspond to MMWR Month and Year in which the Investigation was created in VEDSS, not necessarily the month the event occurred.
  • Data in these reports should be regarded as preliminary, as additional morbidity reassignments, de-duplication and other data cleaning procedures may occur after report generation. These data are solely intended to provide a snapshot of current activity in Virginia. Although changes may be minimal, please contact the Division of Surveillance and Investigation for official statistics.

As always, your comments and/or suggestions are welcome. Please contact us by email at Epi Comments or by calling 804-864-8141.

For additional surveillance data resources, please visit
for information on HIV, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases or hepatitis,
or visit for information on tuberculosis.