VDH Infection Prevention Education in the Northwest Region

Kayleigh Rehkopf, VDH’s Northwest Regional Infection Preventionist, would like to highlight three VDH staff in the Northwest region (Stephanie Neal, Candace Ashworth, and Brad Evert) for their outstanding work in infection prevention and control (IPC) education!

Stephanie is the Junior District Epidemiologist for Lord Fairfax Health District, and she has been working on preparing and disseminating IPC education for nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and schools. Brad and Candace, part of the Regional Containment Team, eagerly jumped in to help with the education and went outside their normal scope of work to be a part of this important initiative.  They did a great job familiarizing themselves with the education and making connections in the community to deliver the content effectively. Having them on the team really helped to make this education effort a success.

Thank you, Stephanie, Candace, and Brad, for all that you do to keep our community safe and healthy!