Cuppa Tea with an IP

Every Wednesday at 2:00pm infection preventionist (IP) can join the VDH HAI/AR Team for Cuppa Tea with an IP. Cuppa Tea with an IP is a weekly chance to chat live with a VDH IP and subject matter experts (SMEs) about your infection prevention and control questions. We can’t wait to hear your questions and […]

Cuppa Tea with an IP

Every Wednesday at 2:00pm infection preventionist (IP) can join the VDH HAI/AR Team for Cuppa Tea with an IP. Cuppa Tea with an IP is a weekly chance to chat live with a VDH IP and subject matter experts (SMEs) about your infection prevention and control questions. We can’t wait to hear your questions and […]

2025 Virginia Patient Safety Summit

Join Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association on Thursday, February 27, 2025, for a statewide gathering to hear from local and national leaders and providers about their efforts to unleash improvement and sustain change in healthcare quality and patient safety!

VIPTC On-Demand Courses in Infection Prevention & Control

For anyone looking to expand their leadership skills in the new year, the Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center offers a variety of on-demand IP management and communications courses. VIPTC's newest training video, Assisted Blood Glucose Monitoring is now live! The video focuses on how to minimize the risk of infection when performing blood glucose testing. It’s […]