To prevent and reduce the risk factors associated with adversity in early childhood environments; reinforce healthful behaviors by improving the quality and delivery of birth to three child care quality initiatives; and increase community and state linkages that will support improved health and developmental trajectories by fostering safe and nurturing relationships.
To prevent and reduce the risk factors associated with toxic stress and adversity in early childhood environments.
The integration of Caring for Our Children 3 (CFOC3) standards into early childhood professional development initiatives to improve the quality and delivery of initiatives for children aged birth to three.
1. Increase community and state early childhood PD linkages that will support improved health and developmental trajectories.
2. Enhance the knowledge, skill, and competency of the early childhood workforce and those who support them.
3. Increase the size of the workforce skilled in supporting the social-emotional and physical development of young children (birth to three) in inclusive and natural environments.
Professional Development Work Plan
Component 1: The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) Training Modules
The CSEFEL trainings are focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children, specifically the set of training modules for infants and toddlers.
Component 2: Infant Mental Health Endorsement
The Early Childhood Mental Health Virginia Advisory Board (ECMHAB) serves the function of the state Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (ECCS) team, as the work group who plans and oversees the implementation of the project. The Virginia Department of Health (VDH), in the form of the ECCS leadership, will be providing grant oversight. The Partnership for People with Disabilities, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), provides administrative oversight for the Advisory Board.