
  • National Pharmacist Day

    National Pharmacist Day is observed this year on January 12. Pharmacists in the United States and around the world have a long history of invaluable contributions. In the past, pharmacists have provided drugs to doctors for medication for their patients. Now, however, pharmacists are viewed as one of the most trustworthy professionals in America, and an integral part…Read more

  • Healthy New Year's

    The new year is here! We at VDH want to help you embark on the new year by offering some helpful tips to get healthy and stay healthy. 🧼 Wash your hands regularly. Washing your hands is the best way to prevent disease. Always remember to wash with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if…Read more

  • Virginia State Anatomical Program

    The Virginia State Anatomical Program (VSAP) provides the opportunity to give the ultimate gift, which is donating your body to medical science. The primary mission of VSAP is to educate health professions by providing human donors for the teaching of anatomy, surgery and medical research to the Commonwealth’s medical schools, universities and research facilities. Established in 1919, VSAP…Read more

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