

Child Trends©  | Statutory Rape: Sex Between Young Teens and Older Individuals

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline Loveisrespect has resources and information for teens on dating violence. The web site is also home to the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline “Live Chat.” The live chat (IM-style) on the loveisrespect website is an alternative method of contacting a peer advocate. It provides one-on-one, confidential information from a live, trained peer advocate. Helpline – 866-331-9474 – 866-331-8453 TTY

Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance The Action Alliance focuses on providing resources and information to advocates and residents of Virginia. The Action Alliance also operates the statewide Virginia Family Violence & Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-838-8238 v/tty), a toll-free, confidential, 24-hour service that provides crisis intervention, support, information, and referrals to family violence and sexual assault survivors, their friends and families, professionals, and the general public.

Chat (confidential instant messaging) Monday-Friday 8am-8pm | Text: (804) 793-9999

LGBTQ Partner Abuse & Sexual Assault Helpline Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm | (866) 356-6998

Last Updated: May 17, 2018