On December 9, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final ruling for trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE) under the 2016 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) amendments. This ruling restricts the use of TCE and PCE and is aimed at protecting adults and children from adverse health effects. TCE and PCE cause severe health effects including many forms of cancer and neurological damage.
The typical uses for TCE are cleaning and furniture care, degreasers, sealants, lubricants, paint and coatings, arts and crafts spray coatings, and some refrigerants. Both chemicals are in glue and brake cleaners. PCE is also used in dry cleaning.
The amendment will ban all uses of TCE including manufacture and processing from all consumer products and most commercial products within one year. It will also ban all consumer uses of PCE and most industry uses while allowing a few industries to continue use with strict regulations. There will be a 10 year phase out of PCE in dry cleaning involving prohibiting use of PCE in newly acquired dry-cleaning machines after 6 months. These bans will protect many consumers and workers who are likely to be exposed to TCE and PCE.
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