
VDH Office of Human Resources facilitates the hiring process for the Virginia Department of Health’s (VDH) statewide Central Office in Richmond and 35 local health districts. Individuals may apply for classified positions that offer a variety of benefits, or for hourly positions with no benefits that are restricted to 1,500 work hours in a 365-calendar-day period.

We have updated our job announcement and application process to serve you better!
VDH now only accepts applications for classified and hourly positions online through VirginiaJobs, the Commonwealth’s new Web-based system. We welcome your using our new flexible search tools to sort through job vacancies and apply for positions in your area of interest.

Job Opportunities

Family Health Services

To search current job postings or to complete an easy online application, please use www.jobs.virginia.gov.

If you need individual assistance with the application process or if you have other questions, please contact the local VDH office where you want to apply, or the VDH Office of Human Resources at 804-864-7100. We’ll be glad to help you.

Best wishes in your job search!

The Virginia Department of Health is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Office of Human Resources

109 Governor Street, Suite 1114
Richmond , VA 23219
Phone (804) 864-7100
Fax (804) 864-7107


Last Updated: August 25, 2023