Clinic Services

Family Planning | Immunizations Newcomer Health (Refugee) Program
Sexually Transmitted Infections | Tuberculosis ManagementServicios de Traducción

Family Planning

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The Family Planning program provides individuals with the ability to decide if they want to have children and if so, how many and how far apart they want to space them. A broad range of effective family planning birth control methods and services are available, including contraception, gynecological exams, infertility education, natural family planning, counseling, and family planning education for adults and teens. Costs for services are based on a sliding scale and some insurance plans are accepted.

For More Family Planning Information Click Here


The Immunizations program reduces the morbidity and mortality associated with vaccine preventable diseases.

Vaccines are provided to adults and children following the guidelines set forth by the Advisory Committee in Immunization Practices. The Alleghany Health District is a participant in the Virginia Vaccines for Children program and provide vaccines required by the school system to children through age 18 at no charge. The Alleghany Health District is also a participant in the Virginia Immunization Information System, which allows the sharing of immunization information with other providers. Local health departments collect data annually by conducting a random sampling of immunization records in daycares and schools. In addition to on-site immunization clinics, the immunization team provides many off-site community vaccination opportunities for flu, pneumonia, Tdap and school vaccines. To do this, the Alleghany Health District collaborates with a variety of community members and holds events across the community including at schools, local businesses, churches, local malls, community-based agencies, health fairs and housing developments.

Find Local Flu Immunization Clinics Here

Newcomer Health (Refugee) Program

The Newcomer Health Program provides an initial health screening to newly arrived refugees and other qualified individuals, addresses health issues that may impact successful resettlement, and identifies and intervenes on diseases and conditions of public health concern. Within 45 days of their arrival, newcomers from around the world receive all necessary immunizations, a general health screening, a mental health screening and follow-up referrals for any issues identified. Clients are offered full family planning services and encouraged to establish a medical home in the area. The program works with all refugees sponsored by the refugee resettlement agency, Commonwealth Catholic Charities.

Sexually Transmitted Infections 

The Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) program aims to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections through education, outreach and clinical services. STI clinics offer counseling, testing, treatment, and partner referral services for patients at risk of or currently experiencing STIs. Call your local health department for a STI screening appointment.

Learn how pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) can be used to prevent HIV infections

Tuberculosis (TB) Management

The TB Management program aims to control, prevent and eliminate tuberculosis in the community. The program offers free and confidential TB risk assessment screenings on Mondays by appointment only. For those diagnosed with TB or a Latent TB Infection, the TB team collaborates with a patient’s medical provider to provide tuberculosis case management to include the provision of medication and care coordination. In addition, the TB team assists with identifying associated cases, the testing of contacts, transportation for CXRs and home visits to deliver medication to perform Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) and Directly Observed Preventative Therapy (DOPT).

Servicios de Traducción

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Last Updated: April 16, 2024