Program Updates Underway
The application is currently being reviewed to align with the most recently updated guidelines of Baby-Friendly USA Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. This webpage will be updated when the digitized application is available and VDH has established a timeline for accepting new applications.
For more information about Baby-Friendly USA guidelines, please visit: Guidelines.
Maternity Care Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) Survey
You may be interested in having your facility participate in the CDC mPINC (Maternity Care Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care) survey. The survey measures maternity care practices and policies and includes questions about infant nutrition. About every 2 years CDC invites all hospitals with maternity services in the United States and territories to participate.
As of 2022, 30 of 55 eligible hospitals (55%) in Virginia participated in mPINC. Let’s work on increasing this number!
To learn more about the mPINC Survey visit:
The most recent mPINC fact sheet available for Virginia includes 2022 data.
Stay up to date with CDC’s mPINC survey by subscribing to the CDC mPINC Update Listserv.
In order to participate you must email with your name and email address. CDC staff will then follow-up with you.
For Current and Non-Current Awardees
Please stay tuned for updates regarding the application process. Current designees are valid until July 2025.