News Release: Lord Fairfax Health District Warns Residents of Rabies Risk

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  November 22, 2024
Media Contact: Katherine Schroeder, Population Health Manager  540-486-6627

(Winchester, Va.) — The Lord Fairfax Health District reports that an adult cat that has tested positive for rabies. The cat, a long-haired, black, female, was located at the Bosley Trailer Park on Bosley Drive, Stanley, VA (Page County) and attacked two individuals. After showing neurological deficits, the cat was tested for rabies. A positive test result was received on November 22, 2024, confirming the rabies virus. Anyone with contact to any stray cats or kittens in the area of the trailer park are urged to contact their local health department. The public should not engage in any contact with any stray animals in the area.

This incident is a reminder that rabies is present in Virginia. Rabies is caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system and is lethal if proper medical care is not given following an exposure to the virus. The most common source of exposure to rabies is a bite by a rabid animal. Rabies may also be transmitted by saliva from a rabid animal coming into contact with open wounds, the mouth, eyes, or nose.

The health department further advises:

  • Avoid stray cats and dogs. Feral or unknown cats and dogs may also carry rabies; feral cats are especially high-risk. Report bites or scratches from these animals to your physician or the health department right away.
  • Never approach or touch wild animals, especially any raccoon, fox, skunk or bat, especially if it is behaving oddly or if it is seen in the daylight. These animals are the main carriers of rabies in the eastern United States.
  • Vaccinate all cats, dogs and ferrets against rabies (even if they don’t go outdoors) and keep their shots up to date. Vaccinate working barn cats as well, for their protection and yours. Discuss vaccinating livestock with your veterinarian.
  • Do not feed wild animals or stray cats and dogs. Eliminate outdoor food sources around the home.
  • Keep pets confined to your property or walk them on a leash.
  • If one of your domestic animals is bitten or otherwise interacts with a wild animal, notify the local health department and animal control at once, and have your animal seen by a veterinarian.

If you are bitten, scratched, or licked by any of these high-risk animals, wash the wound(s) thoroughly with warm soapy water and contact animal control, your doctor, or the health department for further recommendations immediately. Rabies is fatal to both animals and humans once symptoms begin, but it can be prevented in humans if they receive vaccine and medication soon after exposure.

Finally, if in doubt, or if you have a question, call your local health department: Page County Health Department at 540-743-6528 or the health district’s afterhours number 540-665-8611.
Additional information on rabies is available at

The Lord Fairfax Health District serves residents in the city of Winchester and Clarke, Frederick, Page, Shenandoah and Warren counties. For more information, visit

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Algal Mat Alert – Deer Rapids & Strasburg

Algal Mat Alert - North Fork Shenandoah River - Deer Rapids & Town of Strasburg

Issued: July 12, 2024

An Algal Mat Alert has been issued for the North Fork Shenandoah River from the Deer Rapids Bridge to the Town of Strasburg. The alert area applies to a total area of ~11.5 miles. Recreational use may continue providing there is caution to avoid contact with potentially toxic algae mats which could be widespread or patchy in areas within this vicinity. If mats appear unavoidable in an area, the public should discontinue recreational activities there.

Drinking water supplies are not affected at this time. The Office of Drinking water is monitoring and coordinating with appropriate waterworks.

To view the HAB Map visit: Algal Bloom Surveillance Map - Waterborne Hazards Control (

Submit a HAB Report online: Harmful Algal Bloom Online Report Form - Waterborne Hazards Control (

Algal Mats Observed in Strasburg VA


During routine nuisance algae visits, DEQ colleagues informed us they observed cyanobacteria mats growing along the river bottom near Strasburg Park. Mats observed are not dense or floating to the surface, just growing.

DEQ is scheduled for a visit back in the area next week for sampling related to the ongoing Shenandoah HAB study.  DEQ will re-evaluate the mats at that time.

Whenever participating in any type of outdoor water recreation activities, be aware of harmful algal mats. These can be present in bodies of water either attached to the bottom, detached and floating, or washed up on shore. Keep children and pets away from these areas. Though only currently seen in the river at Strasburg Park, always look at the water and use caution when allowing pets or children to play in the water.


WHO recommends new name for monkeypox disease

As of November 28, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of the term “mpox” as the preferred terminology for monkeypox. This change aims to reduce stigmatizing language surrounding the disease. Assigning names to new and existing diseases is the responsibility of WHO under the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the WHO Family of International Health Related Classifications through a consultative process which includes WHO Member States.

Following this announcement, the Virginia Department of Health has accepted this change of terminology and has begun updating its webpages to align with the new terminology. VDH will adopt the term mpox in its communications, and encourages others to follow these recommendations, to minimize any ongoing negative impact of the current name and from adoption of the new name.

Read more about the WHO announcement here.

Algal Mat Alerts Lifted for the North Fork of the Shenandoah River 

Algal Mat Alerts Lifted for the North Fork of the Shenandoah River near Town of Strasburg, VA – 2022 Harmful Algal Response Season Complete

November 4, 2022
Media Contact: Lorrie Andrew-Spear,

(Strasburg, Va.) – An Algal Mat Alert which was issued for the North Fork Shenandoah River for the Town of Strasburg in July and August has been lifted due to the discontinuation of HAB Response for the season (May – October). The HAB Task Force suspends response sampling at the end of October each year, when the recreational (swimming) season concludes and as temperatures begin cooling in natural waters. This enables conservation of response resources for peak swimming use. Algae mats which may still be sporadically present in October/November in areas of a waterbody may persist into late fall and possibly winter months. While cyanobacteria concentrations fluctuate during seasonal transitions, resources are not available to continue the response efforts in off-season months.

The original mat alert area began above the town at approximately Route 644 (Deep Hollow Lane), to include the Deer Rapids Road Bridge, to below the town at approximately Route 611 (Long Meadow Road), for a total of approximately 11.5 miles. No additional sampling in this vicinity could be conducted due to limited resources however recent reported observations suggest the mats have largely dissipated. The public should use caution while recreating in this vicinity and avoid algal mats if they are observed present along the bottom of the river or along shorelines.

The public, in general, is advised to avoid areas in natural waterways that have algal mats or discolored, scummy water. People should not allow pets to swim in areas where mat material is observed. Contact with these mats may cause skin rash and gastrointestinal illnesses, such as upset stomach, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If mats are producing toxins, consumption of mats could be fatal to dogs and other animals when ingested. Humans should never consume water or material from a natural waterbody because this water is not treated water and is not suitable for consumption.

VDH has observed no evidence of impacts to drinking water. The Office of Drinking Water is working with drinking water utilities to protect drinking water sources.

Algae mats typically occur when warm water and nutrients combine to make conditions favorable for algae growth. While late fall and winter blooms are uncommon, they may occur. Most algae species are harmless; however, some species may produce irritating compounds or toxins. Avoid discolored water, scums or mat material that are green or bluish-green because they are more likely to contain toxins.

To prevent illness, people should:

  • Avoid contact with mats which may be present in North Fork Shenandoah River above and below the Town of Strasburg.
  • If mats are unavoidable, do not attempt to recreate in the waterbody.
  • WHEN IN DOUBT, KEEP PEOPLE AND PETS OUT! Use your best judgment before recreating in natural water bodies.
  • Do not allow children or pets to drink from natural bodies of water or consume material in the water or along the shoreline.
  • Keep small children, pets, and livestock out of the areas experiencing an Algal Mat Alert. They do not understand the risks associated with mats and may drink river water or consume mats which could cause illness.
  • If you or your animals experience symptoms after swimming in or near the area under an Algal Mat Alert, seek medical/veterinarian care. You may also contact your local poison control center.
  • Additional resources for pet owners and veterinarians are available from the CDC at
  • To ensure fish filets are safe to eat, properly clean fish by removing skin, discarding all internal organs, and cooking fish to the proper temperature.
  • To view the Algal Mat Alert area, view the HAB Map online or the Algal Mat Status Report for the North Fork Shenandoah River 8.5.22.
  • If you suspect you or your animal experienced health-related effects following exposure to a bloom, contact the Virginia Harmful Algal Bloom Hotline at 1-888-238-6154.

For more information about harmful algae blooms, Algal Mat Alerts and Recreational Water Advisories, visit

Monkeypox Update!


Monkeypox does not spread from person to person through casual conversation or by walking by
someone who is infected. The risk to the community is considered low at this time.

Monkeypox can be spread from person to person by sexual or intimate contact, hugging, cuddling, and
massage, and by sharing a towel or clothing that has not been washed.

Most people who have become infected with monkeypox had close or intimate contact or prolonged face
to face contact with an infected person. Spread can occur from touching skin lesions, bodily fluids, or parts
of clothing or linens that have been in contact with lesions or bodily fluids.

Monkeypox can be prevented by avoiding close, skin to skin contact with another person’s rash or scabs.
It can also be prevented by avoiding kissing, cuddling, or having sex with someone who is infected. Don’t
share bedding, towels, or personal grooming devices and don’t share eating utensils or cups.

If you think you have monkeypox, seek medical advice by contacting your healthcare provider.

Visit the Virginia Department of Health Website: :


Monkeypox Update – Vaccine Access


The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the Lord Fairfax Health District are responding to an outbreak of monkeypox that has spread across several countries that don’t normally report monkeypox, including the United States. For information on monkeypox in Virginia, please visit the VDH monkeypox website. If you are a healthcare provider, please visit the monkeypox website for healthcare providers

The Lord Fairfax Health District is working to ensure that residents who have been exposed or are at high risk of being exposed to monkeypox receive a vaccination.  If you are interested in receiving a monkeypox vaccination, please call us at (540) 722-3470


The Lord Fairfax Health District: Protecting You and Your Environment