World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day

We know more about cancer than ever before! Learn more about ways you could reduce your chance of developing cancer. At least 1/3 of cancers are preventable.

Not every risk factor is changeable, but there are lots of ways to reduce your risk.

Ways to Reduce Your Risk 

  • Choose a healthy lifestyle. Proper diet, physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight all help reduce your risk. 
  • Reduce how much you drink. Alcohol is linked with cancers of the mouth, bowel, and breast, among others. 
  • Quit smoking and using other forms of tobacco. Use of tobacco has been found to cause 15 different types of cancers! 
  • Avoid ultraviolet radiation, such as the sun and tanning beds. Take care if you must be outdoors. Stay in the shade, cover your skin, wear sunscreen, and do self-examinations 
  • Get regular checkups and cancer screenings. Virginia’s Every Woman’s Life program offers free breast and cervical screenings. 
  • Talk to your doctor about HBV and HPV vaccines, which can help reduce the chance of liver, cervical, and other cancers. 
  • Lower your exposure to radon. Test your home for radon with an inexpensive test from the VDH. 

Join us on World Cancer Day and take a step toward reducing your risk for cancer. Every step reduces your risk.