Community Health Improvement focuses on the health of the entire population served by the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts and aims to reduce health inequities among specific groups. The program conducts Community Health Assessments (CHAs) to identify health needs and the various social and economic factors that impact health. Based on CHA findings, the program develops action-oriented Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIPs) to support the jurisdictions in becoming healthier places to live.
Virginia’s Plan for Well-Being
Virginia Department of Health Data Portal
The Virginia Department of Health Data Portal is a comprehensive source for community health assessment, public, and population health data. The portal provides interactive data at the most granular level available.
Roanoke Healthy Hearts Initiative
The Roanoke Healthy Hearts Initiative has resources and programs designed to improve heart health in the Roanoke area. Learn about free screenings, community events, and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.