Launched in 2010, “First Ride, Safe Ride” is a program for health care providers to learn about child passenger safety for newborns. The focus of the project is to address the barriers faced by hospitals working to provide education on child passenger safety. Participating sites receive training, resources for distribution, and template policies at no charge.
Health Care Provider Training
The First Ride, Safe Ride training is a free 2-hour child passenger safety training. The training is designed for anyone involved with education or the discharge process. This includes:
- Nurses
- Doctors
- Delivery Team Members
- Volunteers
- Transporters
From the training, participants will be able to understand:
- Public health impact of vehicle crashes
- Current child passenger safety laws in Virginia
- Best practices in child passenger safety
Technical assistance is also provided including template policies, program information, and hands-on demonstration.
To learn more or to schedule a training, contact
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Virginia Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Free Print Materials
VDH offers FREE patient resources as part of the First Ride Safe Ride Program.
Materials are available to support your educational efforts. The following print items can be ordered here. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery of materials.
- Child Passenger Safety Rack Card (dual language English/Spanish)
- Child Passenger Safety Brochure (dual language English/Spanish)
- Child Passenger Safety Poster (dual language English/Spanish)
- A Parent’s Guide to Protecting Your Baby With a Child Safety Seat – English Version
- A Parent’s Guide to Protecting Your Baby With a Child Safety Seat – Spanish Version
- 4 Steps to Child Passenger Safety: Flipbooks
Useful Websites:
- NHTSA’s Car Seat Finder: Find the Right Seat
- Car Seat Safety for Premature Babies and Babies with Medial Conditions (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia)
The following resource can be requested by emailing
- Health Care Provider Guide to Child Passenger Safety for Newborns
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statements and Recommendations
Policy Statement Child Passenger Safety (Pediatrics published online November 2018)
Safe Transportation of Newborns at Hospital Discharge (PEDIATRICS Vol. 104 No. 4 October 1999, pp. 986-987)
Safe Transportation of Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants at Hospital Discharge (Pediatrics 2009;123;1424-1429)
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NHTSA Recommendations: Hospital Discharge Recommendations for Safe Transportation of Children (2014)