Application for a Tier 4 End Use Rainwater Harvesting System

The following steps are necessary to apply for a Tier 4 End-Use (Potable) Rainwater Harvesting System

Complete and Sign the Application Form

All appllications must be accompanied by private sector evaluations and designs, to include:

  1. Specifications
  2. Design criteria
  3. Manufacturer's literature
  4. A general layout of any underground storage if underground storage is proposed*
  5. Formal plans if multiple service connections are proposed
  6. An Operation and Maintenance Manual

*If underground storage of harvested rainwater is proposed, the general layout shall include topography, elevations, contour lines, existing or proposed streets, and potential sources of contamination, bodies of water, ditches, buildings, springs, cisterns and wells within 100 feet horizontally from the proposed water storage unit(s).

Submit the completed application form and all relevant attachment (as PDFs) to

Last Updated: November 22, 2024