Onsite Sewage System Maintenance Report Submission

In 2022, the General Assembly approved legislation (HB 769) that directed the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to manage and enforce Chesapeake Bay septic tank pump-out requirements within the Three Rivers and Eastern Shore health districts.  Previously, this enforcement was the responsibility of the local governments.  This legislation takes effect July 1, 2023, and includes a requirement for maintenance providers to report pump-outs within those districts using a web-based reporting system developed by VDH.  To implement this reporting tool, VDH made changes to the existing MyHD platform.  While the legislation specifically identifies the two health districts as a pilot program, the MyHD portal will accept pump-out reports and other maintenance information from licensed/permitted providers from across the Commonwealth.

Revised instructions for creating an account, navigating the portal, and paying for reports can be found HERE.

> This portal is only for licensed Master Alternative/Conventional Operators, Master Alternative/Conventional Installers, Class 4 or higher Wastewater Works Operators, and permitted Sewage Handlers to submit maintenance reports, pump-out information and make any necessary payments as per the appropriate regulation.
> All maintenance providers must create an account in the VDH MyHD portal, including users of third-party platforms who wish to send reports through an API to MyHD.
> All maintenance providers must contact VDH at ehdministrators@vdh.virginia.gov upon creation of a MyHD account and provide the necessary information (see instructions for what is requested) so that we can set up your account to submit reports. 
> Maintenance providers will only be able to see the reports they have submitted under their account. 
> Maintenance report submissions for alternative onsite sewage systems (AOSS) are not considered complete and fully submitted until payment is received. VDH staff cannot review or approve unpaid maintenance reports for AOSS.
> MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and associated debit cards are accepted forms of payment for AOSS reports. While most prepaid cards are also accepted by the card processor, they typically need to be tied to a specific user’s name and billing zip code.
> The following fields are required, and the system will not allow a report to be submitted without them: System Type’; ‘Physical County;Visit Date;Laboratory/Formal Sample Results within Permitted Limits (Alternative systems only); and ‘I hereby certify.

A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be found HERE. Please check back to this page periodically for updates. If you experience issues with the MyHD portal, please notify us at the ehdministrators@vdh.virginia.gov email address.