Environmental Exposure Assessments

The Public Health Toxicology Program in the Virginia Department of Health’s Office of Environmental Health Services, works with communities and various state and federal agency officials to determine if contaminants in the environment are a health hazard. Some of our assessments include determining the amount of volatile organic compounds in the air, the amount of lead contamination in soil, the level of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in groundwater, or the amount of mercury in the biota of a body of water. If we determine that an existing health threat exists, the community is informed immediately and recommendations are provided to eliminate or reduce the hazard. Frequently, the Toxicology Program is asked to provide a written report that summarizes any potential health hazards, how individuals may be exposed, and recommendations to the public.  Search the table below to find reports written from 2002 to the present.

Toxicology Staff

Dwight Flammia, Ph. D. – Public Health Toxicologist
804 864-8127

Amy Hayes, Ph. D. – Health Assessor

Cassandra McBryde – Health Educator

Ella Higgins – Toxicology Support Staff

Staff Roles

Toxicologist – The toxicologist identifies potential health hazards in communities and determines what harmful effects will occur under certain exposure circumstances.  The toxicologist makes recommendations to abate or reduce any exposure.

Health Assessor – A health assessor is responsible for investigating possible human exposures to toxic and hazardous substances and assessing the public health implications of such exposures. The health assessor evaluates data and makes recommendations to protect public health, and to prevent ongoing and future exposures and resultant health effects.

Health Educator – A health educator is responsible for assessing the health needs of individuals and communities and educating them about health risks and the ways they can protect themselves. The health educator collects and analyzes data to learn about public health needs in the community and increase awareness of environmental conditions, potential exposures, impacts of exposures on health, and ways to reduce risk to health.

Exposure Assessment from 2002-present

LocalityContaminantsEnvironmental MediaSite NameDocumentYear
Albemarle CountyVOCssoil, groundwaterGreenwood Chemical CompanyWater and Soil Samples Reviewed for Public Health Implications2024
Hopewell CityVOCsoutdoor airWoodson Middle SchoolEvaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Outdoor Air at Woodson Middle School (2014–2016)2023
Hopewell CityVOCsoutdoor airWoodson Middle SchoolEvaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Outdoor Air at Woodson Middle School (2017–2019)2023
Hopewell Citymetals, carbonylsoutdoor airWoodson Middle SchoolEvaluation of Metals and Carbonyls in Outdoor Air at Woodson Middle School (2014–2016)2023
Hopewell Citymetals, carbonylsoutdoor airWoodson Middle SchoolEvaluation of Metals and Carbonyls in Outdoor Air at Woodson Middle School (2017-2019)2023
Chesterfield Countymetalssurface waterDutch Gap Conservation AreaSurface Water Samples Reviewed for Public Health Implications2023
Hampton CityVOCsindoor airBoulevard CleanersEvaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds Air Samples Collected Near Boulevard Cleaners2023
Statewidearsenic, mercuryfishMultiple watershedsEvaluation of Metals in Fish from Virginia Watersheds in 20212022
StatewidePCBsfishMultiple watershedsEvaluation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Fish from Virginia Watersheds in 20212022
Chesterfield Countyleadwater, soil, fugitive dustC&R Battery Co., Inc.Evaluation of C&R Battery 2018 5-Year Review for Public Health Impact2022
Danville Cityheavy metalsfishDan RiverDan River fish metals 2014-2017 LHC 05 10 192019
Multiple Countiesheavy metalsfishRappahannock, James, and Potomac Rivers2017 Multiple Waterways Metals Fish Tissue 2019
Multiple CountiesPCBsfishRappahannock, James, and Potomac Rivers2017 Multiple Waterways PCBs Fish Tissue 2019
StatewideSalmonella, Adenoviruses, Reoviruses, AscarisbiosolidsMultiple sitesLand Applied Biosolids Epidemiological Pilot Study and Pathogen Content Analysis2019
Arlington CountyTetrachloroethylene (PCE)indoor air Fairlington CleanersFairlington Cleaners 20182018
Arlingtondiesel exhaustairBluemont ParkBluemont Park Diesel Exhaust 20182018
Danville CityPolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)fishDan RiverEvaluation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Concentrations in Fish from the Dan River in 20162018
Franklin CountyfuelgroundwaterGrassy Hill RoadGrassy Hill Rd-Johnstown Rd - Contaminants in Well Water2018
Richmond CountyPolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)fishRappahannock, James, and Potomac RiversRappahannock James Potomac Fish Tissue PCBs 20162018
Portsmouth CityleadsoilAbex CorporationA five-year review of blood lead levels in Portsmouth City, VA2018
Pulaski CountyleadairRadford Army Ammunition PlantEvaluating Lead Air Monitoring Data near the Radford Army Ammunition Plant2018
Arlington CountyTetrachloroethylene (PCE)indoor airFairlington CleanersFairlington Cleaners 20172017
Bedford CountyVOCsdrinking waterChamblissburgEvaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Private Well Samples Collected at a Private Residence in Chamblissburg, VA2017
Danville Cityheavy metalsfishDan RiverDan River Fish Tissue Metals 2014-20152017
Danville Cityheavy metalsfishDan RiverDan River Fish Tissue Metals 2014-20162017
Albemarle CountyVOCsgroundwaterGreenwood ChemicalResidential Well Water Samples Reviewed for Public Health Implications2017
Loudoun Countyarsenicdrinking waterHidden Lane LandfillSignificance of Arsenic in Drinking Water Near Hidden Lane Landfill2017
Norfolk CityPM10airLambert's PointPublic Health Implications of PM10 Concentrations Collected Near Lambert's Point Coal Terminal2017
Rockingham CountyChloramine, EndotoxinairMassanutten WaterparkMassanutten Waterpark Air Quality Investigation2017
Danville CityPolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)fishDan RiverDan River Fish Tissue PCBs 20142016
Hanover Countycancer assessmentairH&H Burn PitH&H Burn Pit Site2016
Loudoun Countyarsenicdrinking waterHidden Lane LandfillComments on Loudoun County's Independent Review2016
Alleghany Countymetals, organic compoundsgroundwater, surface water, soilKim-Stan LandfillRe-evaluation of Pathways of Concern at Kim-Stan Landfill2016
New Kent Countychromium, copper, arsenicsoilNew Kent Wood PreservativesNew Kent Wood Preservatives: Soil2016
Wise Countylead, PCBssoilPowell LeadPowell Lead Site2016
Winchester CityVOCs, carbonyls, toxic metals, hexavalent chromiumairCity of Winchester & Frederick CountyEvaluation of city of Winchester air samples for public health implications2015
Fairfax CountyVOCs, SVOCs, PM10, metalsairCrumb RubberCrumb Rubber Methods Review LHC 09 28 20152015
Pulaski CountyVOCsgroundwaterElectroplate-Rite CorporationEvaluation of groundwater data from the Electroplate-Rite Corporation site for public health implications via vapor intrusion pathway2015
New Kent Countychromium, copper, arsenicgroundwaterNew Kent Wood PreservativesNew Kent Wood Preservatives: Groundwater2015
Pulaski Countyleaddrinking waterRadford Army Ammunition PlantEvaluation of Potential for Chemicals Released to Groundwater or Surface Water to Affect Drinking Water in the Nearby Community2015
Henrico CountyPCE, TCEindoor airSandston PCESandston PCE site2015
Hopewell CityVOCsoutdoor airWoodson Middle SchoolEvaluation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Outdoor Air at Woodson Middle School2015
Hopewell Citymetals, carbonylsoutdoor airWoodson Middle SchoolEvaluation of Metals and Carbonyls in Outdoor Air at Woodson Middle School2015
Alexandria CitymetalsdustAlexandria City Public Schools-Maintenance GarageHealth Implications of Textbooks Covered with Dust Containing Metals2014
Fairfax CountyTetrachloroethylene (PCE)indoor airAnnandale PCEAnnandale PCE Site2014
Henrico CountyVOCsindoor airEvaluation of Contaminants in Indoor Air2014
Alexandria CityAsbestosindoor airHunting Point on Potomac Apartment ComplexHunting Point Post-Cleaning2014
Alexandria CityAsbestosindoor airHunting Point on Potomac Apartment ComplexHunting Point on Potomac Residential Asbestos 4.21.20142014
Norfolk CityPolychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)oystersLafayette River PCBsLetter Health Consultation: Consumption Advisory Guidelines for Oysters Contaminated with Polychlorinated Biphenyls2014
Virginia Beach CityPAHsoystersLynnhaven RiverConsumption Advisory Guidelines for Oysters Contaminated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons2014
Prince William Countypesticides, metals, PCBsfishOccoquan Bay National Wildlife RefugeEvaluation of Contaminants in Fish2014
Pittsylvania CountyUranium, radiumdrinking waterPittsylvania Well WaterEvaluation of Uranium and Radium in a Private Well2014
Pulaski CountyleadRadford Army Ammunition PlantNew River Childhood Blood Lead2014
Tazewell Countymetals, VOCs, PAHssoil, sediment, surface waterSimmons Rand PropertyRichlands Simmons Rand2014
Richmond Citymethane, mold, naphthalene, formaldehydeindoor airA.V. Norrell Elementary SchoolA.V. Norrell Elementary School2013
Smith CountyPM10outdoor airAmerican Wood FibersAmerican Wood Fibers 20132013
Westmoreland CountyTrichloroethylene (TCE)indoor airArrowhead Manufacturing BuildingArrowhead Manufacturing Building2013
Hannover Countyuraniumwell waterCalvary Pentecostal CampElevated uranium in a non-transient non-community water system2013
Hampton CityPCE, TCE, vinyl chloridegroundwaterBoulevard CleanersPublic Health Implications of Contaminated Groundwater2012
Hampton CItyTetrachloroethylene (PCE)groundwaterFormer Fashion Care CleanersFormer Fashion Care Cleaners2012
Clarke Countygasolinewell waterJ&J Corner StoreJ&J Corner Store - Groundwater Contamination2012
Norfolk CityPAHsoystersLafayette River PAHsHealth Consultation: Consumption Advisory Guidelines for Oysters Contaminated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons2012
Suffolk Citymethyl bromideairRoyal FumigationRoyal Fumigation Site2012
Suffolk Citymethyl bromideairWestern FumigationWestern Fumigation Site2012
Portsmouth Citymetals, PCBssoil, sedimentPeck Iron and MetalPeck Iron and Metal2011
Loudoun CountyVOCswaterHidden Lane LandfillHidden Lane Landfill2009
Portsmouth Cityarsenic, PCBs, Dioxin, dieldrin, PAHs,crabs, oystersAtlantic Wood IndustriesEvaluation of Contaminant Exposures from Human Consumption of Crabs and Oysters2008
Chesapeake CityArsenic, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Benzo(a)pyrenesoilChesapeake ProductsChesapeake Products Site2006
King George Countyfuel, oils, solvents, acids, paint, pesticides, ammunitions, ordinance and explosive materials.fish, water, soilNaval Support Facility (NSF) DahlgrenNaval Support Facility (NSF) Dahlgren2006
Suffolk Citymetals, dieldrin, PAHs, TNT,soil, groundwater, surface water, sediments, fishFormer Nansemond Ordnance DepotFormer Nansemond Ordnance Depot2004
Wise CountyleadsoilCoeburn Produce DisposalAssessment of Lead in Soil2003
Virginia Beach Citymetals, PCBs, VOCsfish, crabNaval Amphibious Base Little CreekNaval Amphibious Base Little Creek Part 12003
Virginia Beach Citymetals, PCBs, VOCsfish, crabNaval Amphibious Base Little CreekNaval Amphibious Base Little Creek Part 22003
Portsmouth CityVOCs, SVOCs, petroleum hydrocarbons, mercury vapor, metals, cyanidesoil, groundwater, airPortsmouth Manufactured Gas PlantReview of Environmental Sampling Data2003
Chesterfield Countyenvironmental contaminantssurface waterDefense Supply Center RichmondReview of 1993 Public Health Assessment Recommendations2002
Chesterfield Countyenvironmental contaminantssurface waterDefense Supply Center RichmondDefense General Supply Center2002
Last Updated: January 13, 2025