Influenza (Flu) in Virginia

Seasonal influenza is commonly referred to as “the flu.” It is a contagious respiratory illness caused by viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. There are two main types of influenza viruses: A and B. Each type includes many different strains that tend to change from year to year. The flu spreads mainly from person to person by droplets from the nose or throat that are released when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated every year.

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Learn More About the Flu

What are the symptoms? 

How is it spread?

Prevent the Flu

How can I protect myself?

Where can I find a flu vaccine?

Flu in Virginia

What's happening in Virginia?

What do the data say?

Resources for Health Care Providers

How can I protect my patients?

What do I need to report to VDH?

Resources for Community Settings

How can I prevent a flu outbreak?

What should I do if there is one?

Other Kinds of Flu

What is novel and novel influenza?

What is avian flu?

Flu Digital Media Toolkit

What graphics are available?

What handouts are available?

Flu Sentinel Surveillance Program

How can my facility participate?

How does the program work?

VA Flu 2003
Last Updated: January 27, 2025