The program supports pregnant women, families and at-risk parents of children (birth to age five) access resources and develop the skills needed to raise children who are physically, socially and emotionally healthy and ready to learn. The MIECHV Program develops and implements voluntary, evidence-based home visiting programs using models that are proven to improve child health and to be cost effective:
Check out the MIECHV At A Glance
5 Thrive Birth to Five
(Formerly Smart Beginnings of Greater Richmond)
Centralized Intake:
Smart Beginnings Virginia Peninsula |
Early Childhood Advocacy (
Communities Represented: |
Accomack County | Hampton City | Radford City |
Bristol City | Lynchburg City | Richmond City |
Campbell County | Montgomery County | Roanoke City |
Danville City | Newport News City | Southhampton County |
Emporia City | Norfolk City | Suffolk City |
Fairfax County | Northhampton County | Sussex County |
Fredericksburg City | Petersburg City | Warren County |
Greensville County | Portsmouth City | Williamsburg City |
Winchester City |
Two of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ agencies, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) partner to provide funding to States, territories and tribal entities. The programs improve maternal and child health, prevent child abuse and neglect, encourage positive parenting, and promote child development and school readiness.
The MIECHV Program is managed by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and overseen by the Virginia Home Visiting Consortium. In addition to providing funds to expand evidence-based home visiting services to expecting families and families with young children; MIECHV also provides funding to enhance infrastructure of early childhood systems at the state and local levels.