One Pill Can Kill

“I ordered my prescription online! It was super easy, and it’s so much cheaper. The pills look like my regular prescription. It’s safe, right?” Wrong! The only safe medications are those that come from trusted sources, like your doctor’s office or pharmacy.

Criminal drug networks are flooding the U.S. with fake pills, and just one pill could be deadly. Some of these fake pills are laced with fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that can be lethal, even in small doses.

“But it was so easy to order! I could do it from my phone.” Exactly! That’s how the crisis is growing. Criminal drug networks want to make it easy to order their product, and hope they get you hooked on it. So, they use social media and other online platforms to trick you into ordering fake pills. 

“What can I do to help? I want to keep my friends and family safe!” For more information and ways you can help spread the word, visit DEA’s “One Pill Can Kill” webpage. The more you know, the less likely you are to fall victim to dangerous schemes like this one.