
Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. It kills almost any mammal or human that gets sick from it. The rabies virus is mainly in the saliva and brain of rabid animals. It can be transmitted through a bite or by getting saliva or brain tissue in a wound or in the eye or mouth.

VA Guidelines for Rabies Prevention & Control

How to Prevent the Spread of Rabies

Wildlife can transmit rabies to pets. The best way to protect your pet from rabies is to vaccinate them and keep them away from wild animals.

The Code of Virginia requires all dogs and cats within the state to have up-to-date vaccinations against rabies. Even indoor dogs and cats are at risk if they escape outside, or if a rabid bat enters your home. Puppies and kittens should get their first rabies vaccination by 4 months of age. Re-vaccination is required no later than one year after the primary vaccination and every 3 years thereafter.

If a Human Has Been Exposed

You may have been exposed to rabies if you were bitten by:

- a type of animal that is known to transmit rabies virus and the animal cannot be tested. In the state, this includes raccoons, foxes, skunks and bats. In other areas of the U.S., it includes coyotes and mongooses.

- any animal that tests positive for rabies.

- an animal suspected of being rabid but cannot be tested.

- a dog, cat or ferret that is unavailable for testing or a 10-day observation period.

- or in contact with a bat, or found a bat in the room of a previously unattended child, or woke up to find a bat in the room.

Rabbits and small rodents, including squirrels, hamsters, mice and rats, are not normally found to be infected with rabies, nor have there been any human rabies cases associated with them. Bites by these animals are usually not considered a rabies risk, unless the animal was showing signs of rabies.  

If You Think You Have Been Exposed to Rabies:

  1. Don’t panic… but don’t ignore the bite, either. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and lots of water. Washing thoroughly will greatly lessen the chance of infection. Give first aid as you would for any wound.
  2. If possible, capture the animal under a large box or can, or at least identify it before it runs away. Don’t try to pick the animal up. Call an animal control or law enforcement officer to come get it.
  3. It’s critically important that you notify your family doctor immediately and explain how you got the bite. Your doctor will want to know if the animal has been captured. If necessary, your doctor will give the anti-rabies treatment recommended by the United States Public Health Service. Your doctor will also treat you for other possible infections that could be caused from the bite.
  4. Report the bite to the local health department. Call or text Environmental Health at (804) 914-2676 or email. Please leave a detailed message with your name, number, incident address and details regarding the exposure. If calling outside of our regular business hours (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM) or on weekends, your call will be answered on the next business day.

Animal Observation

If a healthy dog or cat has bitten you and you are able to provide the owner’s information to your health care provider or to the Health Department, the animal’s owner will be directed to watch it for 10 days at home, called a confinement period. The Health Department will be in contact with the pet owner to see if the animal remains healthy at the end of the observation period.

If the biting animal is still alive and healthy after this period, you do not need to get a rabies vaccine. If the animal develops signs of rabies during this period, the Health Department will instruct the owner to immediately have the animal examined by a licensed veterinarian. The veterinarian will report their finding to the Health Department and a determination will be made whether rabies testing is required. In order to conduct this test, the animal must be euthanized.

If the biting animal cannot be found or it tests positive for rabies, the victim of the exposure will be advised to receive post exposure rabies prophylaxis treatment.

For any other inquires, you may reach us through email.