Stroke Smart Medical Practice

Medical Receptionist answering phoneTragically, one third of people suffering a stroke call their medical provider to make an appointment rather than 911. Getting an appointment delays emergency hospital care resulting in avoidable death and disability. Stroke Smart Medical Practice is a standard of care with (5) actions.

Become a Stroke Smart Medical Practice by taking these 5 Actions:

  1. Train ALL office staff to spot strokes and follow practice protocol. (30-minute video available) 

  2. Provide Stroke Smart educational materials to all patients. (FREE Materials Order Form) and Fact Sheet 

  3. Identify high risk patients and provide (intentional) Stroke Smart education. High Risk Stroke Quiz

  4.  Incorporate a Stroke Smart script  in phone system recordings.

  5. Track metrics on Stroke Smart program activities.

Order Stroke Materials Form
