Virginia Cancer Registry

The Virginia Cancer Registry (VCR) is a partner in statewide activities to promote cancer prevention, early detection, and successful treatment and care. The cancer information collected by the VCR describes the impact of cancer in Virginia and is used to assist cancer control and prevention programs and initiatives.

The Virginia Cancer Registry (VCR) is part of the Virginia Department of Health (VDH, Office of Family Health Services (OFHS), Division of Population Health Data. The VCR is a statewide registry of data on individuals diagnosed or treated in Virginia or Virginia residents who received cancer care out of state.

What Is Flossy?

The Fundamental Learning Collaborative for the Cancer Surveillance Community (FLccSC - pronounced 'Flossy') is an online learning management system (LMS) that was developed to provide cancer surveillance professionals a web-based educational platform. The learning platform was first developed by the Florida and South Carolina state central cancer registries. Virginia contributed to the cause early on, participating in initial testing of the system, and is considered a founding member. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) saw the need and value in this collaboration, and began to fund the project in 2019. The platform is built for educational content sharing, meaning that any state can opt in and share home-grown courses and educational tools for any participating state central cancer registry to access and use.

3rd Quarter VCR LiveStory: Fundamental Learning Collaborative (FLccSC) 

2nd Quarter VCR LiveStory: Virginia Cancer Registry Facilities Dashboard


Fall VCR Cancer Story

Fall 2024 VCR Cancer Story

Last Updated: October 1, 2024