The goal of WIC is to improve the health of pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children (under 5 years) through better nutrition and access to health care. The program provides screening and referrals to other health, welfare and social service agencies, nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support as well as supplemental nutritious foods. To be eligible for the WIC Program, applicants must meet categorical, residential, income and nutrition risk requirements. Click here to find out if you’re eligible for WIC. To schedule an appointment or for more information, please call (804) 365-4335.
We provide immunization services for all ages at our various locations. These include vaccines required for school entry, like Tdap, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and Meningococcal vaccines for 7th and 12th graders. Additionally, we offer adult vaccinations for Tetanus, Hepatitis B, and other routine immunizations year-round. You can visit the Immunization Schedules | CDC page or call our office for detailed information about vaccines and schedules.
The health district provides affordable maternity care at our locations. We provide care for mothers who have health insurance and those who are uninsured. Our services are priced based on your income on a sliding scale, making it more affordable for everyone.
Family planning clinics are available at each site. Services include a physical exam, a pap smear, a check for sexually transmitted diseases, a discussion of birth control, treatment of minor vaginal disorders, and the contraceptive method of choice. Services are available based on a sliding fee scale.
Sexually transmitted diseases can be treated at the clinics. Confidential HIV testing and counseling are also available.
Chickahominy Health District provides communicable disease investigation and surveillance, including tuberculosis and rabies. Investigations of suspected food and water borne outbreaks are also conducted.
Deputy Registrar services are available daily from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at each site. Certified copies of death records are provided at a cost of $12 per copy. Other services available from the Health Departments include applications for copies of birth records, as well as marriage and divorce certificates. For more information, visit our Vital Records Homepage.
Applications for voter registration are available at Health Department Offices. Assistance in completing the form is provided, if requested. Completed forms are given to the County Registrar on a regular basis.
The Chickahominy Health District participates in Virginia's Healthy Heart Ambassador Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program, which is designed to teach participants the proper way to measure their own blood pressure and help manage their high blood pressure. The program is free for eligible participants, and when needed, participants will receive a free upper arm blood pressure cuff and monitor. The 4 month program includes:
- 8 one-on-one sessions with a Healthy Heart Coach.
- 4 nutrition education sessions focused on a variety of topics including: grocery shopping, preparing meals, decreasing sodium intake, and physical activity.
To learn more about the program and see if you or a loved one is eligible, please complete the Healthy Heart Ambassador Blood Pressure Self Monitoring Program Interest Form. To ask questions, please call us at 804-365-3240 or email
The Chickahominy Health District participates in a child car seat distribution program called: Low Income Safety Seat Distribution and Education Program (LISSDEP). If you meet the following criteria, you may be eligible to receive a free, new car seat:
- Live in Virginia (citizenship not required)
- Custodial parent, legal guardian, or foster parent
- Pregnant mother (in last trimester of pregnancy)
- Income eligible for WIC, SNAP, Medicaid, TANF, or FAMIS
- Available to attend a training, sign a waiver, and learn how to correctly use and install a car seat/booster seat
To ask questions about the program and/or to apply, please call: 804-365-3240 or email us:
The Chickahominy Health District offers Youth and Adult Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) trainings. MHFA is skills-based training that teaches people how to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of a mental health or substance use challenge. Similar to physical First Aid, MHFA helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis until professional assistance is obtained or the crisis is resolved. Mental Health First Aiders learn a 5-step Action Plan to recognize warning signs of a mental health or substance use challenge, provide help in crisis and non-crisis situations and understand where to turn for additional assistance. Mental Health First Aid is a program of the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. You can learn more by visiting:
To find out more about MHFA and request a training, please call: 804-365-3240 or email us:
The Chickahominy Health District offers a free training, called REVIVE!, that teaches laypersons how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency using naloxone nasal spray. At the end of the training, participants can receive free naloxone, a training card, and a REVIVE! kit. To learn more about naloxone, please click here.
To schedule a training and/or receive naloxone, please call: 804-365-3240 or email us: