Emergency Preparedness & Response

Emergency Preparedness & Response (EP&R) program coordinates Crater’s response any public health emergency through preparation, collaboration, education and rapid intervention. It works closely with local, regional and state emergency response partners to enhance readiness and response to bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and other public health emergencies.

 Crater Community Healthcare Partners

Crater Community Healthcare Partners is a community-based group of like minded Long Term Care professionals serving vulnerable populations within the Crater Health District. The main focus of the group is emergency response and guidance. Members of CCHP benefit from networking with fellow professionals; accessing Crater Health District & community emergency preparedness experts, up-to-date information regarding emergency preparedness programs, alerts and sharing emergency plans & procedures. Membership is free and open to representatives of long term care, nursing home and assisted living facilities.

Past CCHP meeting/workshop topics have included “Emergency Operations Plan: What Should Be in Yours?,” sheltering in-place, “Outbreaks in Long Term Care Facilities: Recognizing & Responding,” and communicating during an emergency.

Petersburg Home for Ladies practices POD response
During an public health emergency in which medication needs to be distributed to many people in a short time, the Health District may activate Points of Dispensing (POD) sites where people come to receive necessary medication for themselves and their family members. In such situations, long term care facilities might serve as closed PODs, where residents and staff can obtain medication (and thereby not overcrowd PODs open to the rest of the public). In collaboration with the Health District, Petersburg Home for Ladies practiced a closed POD response and distributed fake medication to its residents and staff in record time. This exercise may serve as a model for other facilities interested in being a closed POD during a public health emergency.


Become a Volunteer!

The Virginia Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a force of dedicated volunteers who stand ready to support the community in the event of a public health emergency.

  • Low time commitment
  • All training is FREE
  • Become engaged in Public Health

Register Online

Frequently Asked Questions

Preparedness Resources

Ready Gov provides a wide variety of preparedness tips and plans.

Ready.Gov Family Emergency Plan
Plan for you and your family to fill in together so that everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency

Ready.Gov Emergency Supplies Checklist
Checklist of supplies to have in your go-kit in case of an emergency.

National Weather Service
Enter your zip code and stay informed on current weather events.

CDC Emergency Preparedness
Preparedness guidance for public health emergencies.