Lead and Copper Rule Revisions Guidance

LCRR 2024 Requirements Webinar
What’s Required by LCRR-LCRI in 2024?
Need help with your LCRR Service Line Inventory? 
Training: Submitting a Service Line Inventory

Guidance from VDH-ODW

ODW has developed several documents to help water systems in Virginia navigate the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. ODW will continue to update these documents and develop new guidance materials as the EPA continues to release new information.

Lead and Copper Rule Copper Rule Improvements: What’s New and Different in the Proposed Rule?

Webinar Slides: Lead and Copper Rule Improvements: What’s New and Different in the Proposed Rule?

Lead and Copper Rule Revisions: Submitting a Service Line Inventory

  • Community and Large NTNC Waterworks Webinar 2/8/24 | Slides | Recording Password: dSRcavm3
  • Small NTNC Waterworks Webinar 2/13/24 | | Slides | Recording Password: 5cAxdybF

Lead and Copper Rule Revisions: Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory

Videos from EPA

EPA released a video message asking customers to play an important role to assist with identifying lead pipes on the customer’s property or in the home.

English: https://youtu.be/6et78HZRquI

Spanish: https://youtu.be/bVAcojQgfUI

Guidance from EPA

EPA released Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory on August 4, 2022. This guidance is intended to help water systems to comply with the requirement of submitting an initial service line inventory by October 16, 2024 set by the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. It includes best practices on how to prepare and maintain a service line inventory and communicate this information to the public. EPA also released an Inventory Template to accompany this guidance. Both documents are available to download below and are also available on the EPA's website.


  • Getting the Lead Out: Guidance for Developing Service Line Inventories and funding Information on BIL (August 10, 2022)


Templates from VDH ODW

ODW has developed templates for required notifications under the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. All water systems with lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or lead status unknown service lines in their service line inventory must inform all persons served by the water system at the service connection with a lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or lead status unknown service line. A water system must provide the initial notification within 30 days of completion of the lead service line inventory and repeat the notification on an annual basis until the entire service connection is no longer a lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or lead status unknown service line. For new customers, water systems shall also provide the notice at the time of service initiation.

Consumer Notice Confirmed LSL

Consumer Notice Galvanized Requiring Replacement

Consumer Notice Lead Status Unknown

Notice to Schools Child Care Facilities

Notice to Secondary Schools

Other Info/Readings

Lead Service Line Inventory Template Example by ASDWA

Lead service line identification: A review of strategies and approaches (Hensley et al., 2021)