Food Safety & Services

Environmental Health Specialists evaluate and inspect food establishments including restaurants, schools, hotels, motels, campgrounds, summer camps, migrant labor camps, adult and child day care centers, and vendors at public temporary events for food safety.

Foodservice Establishments

Before opening a new or remodeled foodservice facility or transferring ownership, the foodservice operator must complete the following:

  1. Submit a completed Foodservice Plan Review Document to the Charles City, Goochland, Hanover, or New Kent Health Department for approval along with payment of $40.00. This document may also be submitted via email at .
  2. Make any modifications to plans if necessary for approval.
  3. Once the plans are approved, an operator shall submit a completed Application for a Department of Health Food Establishment Permit to the Charles City, Goochland, Hanover, or New Kent Health Department along with payment of $40.00 at least 30 days prior to opening for approval.
  4. Once the complete application is submitted to the Health Department, the operator shall request an inspection of the facility from the Health Department prior to opening.

The Food Establishment Permit will be issued when the facility is complete and the inspection is in compliance with the Virginia Department of Health Food Regulations. For additional information contact (804) 365-4315 or email us at


Mobile Food Units

Before opening a Mobile Food Unit, review the Mobile Food Unit Guidance document to assist you in ensuring compliance with the Virginia Food Regulations and follow these steps:

  1. Submit the Mobile Foodservice Plan Review to the Charles City, Goochland, Hanover, or New Kent Health Department for approval along with payment of $40.00.
  2. Make any modifications to plans if necessary for approval.
  3. Once the plans are approved, an operator shall submit a completed Application for a Department of Health Food Establishment Permit to the Charles City, Goochland, Hanover, or New Kent Health Department along with payment of $40.00 at least 30 days prior to opening for approval.
  4. Once the complete application is submitted to the Health Department, the operator shall request an inspection of the mobile food unit from the Health Department prior to opening.


Temporary Food Establishments

A Temporary Food Establishment (TFE) is a type of food establishment operating for a period of no more than 14 consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration, including carnivals, fairs, festivals, and other events. If you are planning to operate at a temporary event, you are required to obtain a temporary food permit prior to operation. The permit must be posted where it is easily viewable by the public. A TFE permit is valid only for the specified permit period (up to 12 months) and is not transferable from person to person. To receive a Food Establishment Permit, complete the Temporary Food Establishment Permit Application and submit it to your local health department with a $40.00 application fee no later than 10 business days prior to an event. An Environmental Health Specialist will review your application and contact you.

As specified in 12VAC5-421-55 of the Virginia Food Regulations all food establishments (including TFEs) need to have at least one employee with supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service who is a Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM).


Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) Training

The Virginia Food Regulations requires food establishments to have at least one employee with supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service who is a Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM). This requirement does not apply to food establishments that serve only non-TCS food or those where food handling does not exceed reheating, cold holding, and hot holding commercially processed and pack-aged ready-to-eat foods.

VDH recognizes the following ANSI-CFP Accredited Programs:


Foodborne Illness

If you believe you became ill after eating from a food service establishment located within the Chickahominy District, please report to us by:

  1. Reporting online to My Meal Detective
  2. Call your local health department: Hanover (804) 354-4313, Goochland (804) 556-5843, New Kent (804) 966-9640, Charles City (804) 829-2490


Additional Resources:

Last Updated: May 2, 2024