N95 Respiratory Fit Testing Train-The-Trainer Training Information

Picture of Individual Being Fit Tested

N95 Respiratory Fit Testing Train-the-Trainer Training Information

The Virginia Department of Health provides regional Respiratory Fit Testing Train-the-Trainer trainings. The purpose of the training is to ensure organizations that have staff that wear N95 respirators have qualified staff to provide respirator fit testing. In addition, the attendee can train others in the proper procedures for fit testing. This training is for qualitative testing using a hood and not quantitative testing.

REGISTER ON http://va.train.org/  (Course ID 1046592)


Course Duration: 3.5-4.0 Hours

N95 Fit Test Training Class

Contact Steven.Rykal@vdh.virginia.gov with questions

Share this training opportunity with others in your community!


Training Locations and Dates

Location Date / Time



Advance Preparation

Everyone that attends the Train-the-Trainer training needs to:

1.  If you are sick or have flu/COVID symptoms, please do not attend this training.

2. VDH employees can access and complete the mandatory VDH Respirator Medical Questionnaire to receive a medical clearance prior to wearing a respirator.

3.  Non-VDH employees complete an OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionaire form.
NOTE: Once this form is completed, it should be shared with and reviewed by a physician or other licensed healthcare professional (PLHCP) identified by your employer.  The completed form is Protected Health Information (PHI) and does not need to be taken to the training.

4.  Secure a clearance to wear a respirator from your physician or other licensed healthcare professional (PLHCP) identified by your employer's Respiratory Protection Program and bring a Respirator Medical Recommendation form to the training.  This will be verified on the day of the training as you sign in.

5.  Bring your N95 Fit Test Kit and N95 Respirator to training.
NOTE: If you do not have a N95 respirator and/or fit testing kit, you will be provided with one for use during the training.  Fit test kits (example) are available for purchase from many medical suppliers.  Please check with your organization's medical supplier regarding the availability of fit test kits. You may find that because you are an existing customer that they may sell you a fit test kit ahead of non-existing customers

NOTE: This webpage is current as of September 7, 2023.

Last Updated: May 8, 2024