COVID-19 Vaccination Sites Just in Time Training

General Vaccination Training

Booster VS Third Dose

Needlestick Prevention Job Aide (printable)

Needlestick Safety

Best Practices

This includes topics: post vaccination observation, avoiding needlesticks, handling vaccines safely, vasovagal syncope, administration of intramuscular vaccines, vaccinating adolescents, fun knowledge reviews, proper use of PPE, VanishPoint syringe, and booster vs third shot.

IM Injections for Adults

IM Injections for Adults Job Aid

IM Injections for Children Job Aid

VASE+ Training

What is a COVID-19 Vaccination Record with a QR Code?
The COVID-19 Vaccination Record with QR Code is an electronic vaccination record drawn from the data stored in the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS). The record also includes a QR code (a type of square barcode) that, when scanned by a tablet or smartphone with the SMART Health Card Verifier App, will display to the reader your name, date of birth, vaccine date(s), and vaccine type. The QR code is an alternative to a paper CDC vaccine card and also confirms the vaccine record as an official record of the Virginia Department of Health.


PrepMod Training

PrepMod Clinic Activity Form and Documenting a Vaccination

PrepMod Registration Records Search Review Clinic Activity

PrepMod Clinic Operations Record Job Aid

PrepMod Register A Patient Job Aid

PrepMod Clinic Bulk Upload Job Aid


Here are the instructions on how to add this website as an icon on the home screen of Samsung tablets:

  1. Open the Chrome Web Browser.
  2. Enter the following web address into search bar:
  3. After the page loads, click the ellipsis (three vertical dots) located in the top right corner of the application window.
  4. Select Add to Home Screen  from the menu.
  5. A box will appear that will allow you to name the icon, click OK to proceed – no need to enter anything custom unless desired.
  6. The icon will now appear on the home screen.