The Lord Fairfax Health District (LFHD) Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) Division is responsible for preventing, preparing for, responding to, recovering from, and mitigating public health emergencies. EP&R involves local, regional, and state emergency response partners working together to enhance readiness to respond to any public health emergency.
The LFHD EP&R Division has many responsibilities, including but not limited to:
- Provide medical countermeasures for essential personnel and the public
- Provide staff support to local agencies
- Support and coordinate resource requests from critical healthcare partners
- Participate in drills and exercises to enhance the all-hazards approach to LFHD emergency response
- Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, & Human Services
- Emergency Support Function #8 – Public Health & Medical Services
The LFHD is accredited by the National Association of County and City Health Officials’ Project Public Health Ready (PPHR). PPHR is a competency-based training and recognition program that assesses preparedness and assists local health departments in responding to public health emergencies. Through a continuous quality improvement model, this accreditation showcases the LFHD’s preparedness capacity and capability.
Our Emergency Preparedness and Response Program includes planning for:
- Resources for Disaster Support & Help
- Hurricane and Extreme Heat Preparedness
- Emergency Planning with Children
- Preparedness Activities, Research & Webinars
- Strategic National Stockpile
- Be Ready – Make a Plan
- Health & Safety Resources
Olivia Watson
District Emergency Coordinator
Lord Fairfax Health District
Office: 540-722-3480
Direct: 540-771-3039
Fax: 540-722-3479