VDH ARPA Opioid Grant

Purpose of Our Work

Prince William Health District (PWHD) received funding from the Virginia Department of Health's (VDH) American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Community Engagement grant opportunity. This three-year award supports community engagement among stakeholders and community members who have a shared vision of preventing opioid-related overdoses and injuries in our region.

Year 1: The grant is conducting a community-based needs assessment for opioids. This process involves gathering information about the specific needs, challenges, and resources related to opioid use and addiction within the community. This key data driven information will help identify gaps in services and inform the development of targeted interventions and strategies to address the opioid crisis effectively.











View the Public Health Tree in a pdf.

Our Focus

The Division of Population Health and Disease Prevention will continue to strengthen partnerships within our region. We will also be engaging communities on specific opioid prevention using an action plan. This action plan is based on gap(s) identified in the needs assessment for Year 2 and 3.

If you have any questions regarding opioid use in our community or would like to discuss partnerships to strengthen our response to the addiction crisis, please contact Hope, Community Engagement Specialist at Kirstin.Sievers@vdh.virginia.gov