Community Engagement

How to Harness the Power of Community to Address TB

Success in controlling TB and moving toward its elimination depend on the integrated activities of health professionals and those outside of the public health sector. This toolkit and training course is intended for public health departments with a goal to share a process and model of community engagement that local public health departments can follow to more effectively reach their identified TB populations.

The course is organized into 8-steps with suggested actions under each. Examples from the Northern Virginia health departments follow these actions. Although the course is organized as steps, the process may not be linear, and you may choose to skip ahead or re-visit steps throughout your project.

Access the training through the TRAIN platform.  The training number is: 1102425. There is no charge for this training and users outside of Virginia can create a free TRAIN account to access the content.

PDF of toolkit presentation: Harness the Power of Community for TB

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Last Updated: May 18, 2023