Women, Infants and Children’s (WIC) Program
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children is funded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is operated through local health departments and satellite and mobile clinics in Virginia. Learn more information about the USDA federal WIC program.
WIC provides high-quality nutritional care and food to our participants. The program provides milk, cheese, eggs, juice, cereal, dried beans or peas, peanut butter and iron-fortified formula that supply crucial nutrients such as protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C essential to maintain health.
WIC provides lactation education during pregnancy and support after delivery. Individual counseling and group classes are available for clients. For questions and concerns, Breastfeeding Peer Counselors are available during normal office hours. Learn more information on lactation and its benefits.
Who is eligible for WIC?
Women: Pregnant, Post Partum or Breast-feeding
Infants: Under one year of age (birth to 11 months)
Children: Under five years of age – once child turns five years old, he/she is no longer eligible for the WIC Program
You must meet income guidelines which are based on family size and family gross income. Proof of income must be provided, such as check stubs, current Medicaid card, Military Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), unemployment benefits statement. Proof of income must be current.
Nutritional Eligibility
You must have a Medical/Nutritional risk as determined by a Nutritionist in our WIC Clinic. The Nutritionist may also use information from the medical referral form that has been completed and signed by your doctor during your medical exam. This referral form must list current height, weight and hematocrit (blood work.)
What you need to bring to a WIC appointment:
- Proof of Income. Click here for Proof of income information.
- Proof of Identification. Click here for Proof of identification information.
- Proof of Residency, such as a utility bill or other item with your name and street address.
- Shot Record listing all shots given to child by doctor, clinic or medical facility.
- Your child must come with you if the appointment is for him or her.
- WIC ID folder – if you have been on WIC before or now have someone in the WIC Program.

Other Information
Once you are added to the WIC Program, you may recertify annually using the same procedures listed above. You can be taken off the WIC Program if:
- You do not spend your WIC benefits for three months.
- During any subsequent appointment, if you no longer meet the financial or nutritional risk eligibility criteria.
For more information, contact us.
WIC is an Equal Opportunity Program. If you believe that you have been discriminated against due to race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap, write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.