
Welcome. This dashboard provides an overview of Virginia’s population trends over time. The data is broken down by age, race, ethnicity, and sex. Use the drop-down filters to explore the data by year or geographic area.

This dashboard displays estimates of the Virginia population provided by the U.S. government and is updated each year to reflect population changes. Populations can change in three ways: people may be born (births), they may die (deaths), or they may move (U.S. Census Bureau).

To learn more about the geographic areas, see the VDH Geography Locator Tool

*New data is released around late summer of each year, to reflect estimates for the previous year. For example, the 2023 dataset will be released in late summer of 2024, after which time this dashboard will be updated.

Single-race Population Estimates, United States, 2010-2022. July 1st resident population by state, age, sex, single-race, and Hispanic origin.

CSV and Excel files of the above data are available upon request to

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1. Click the PDF Download icon at the middle bottom of the dashboard.
2. On the dialog box, download the entire visualization by keeping “This View” as the “Include” setting.
3. Or to download specific sheets, select “Specific Sheets” as the “Include” setting and then select the sheets of interest under “Specific Sheets” to download.
5. Click the Download button on the dialog box.