Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Virginia

This Incidence/Mortality map displays cancer age-adjusted rates for the five-year period of 2016-2020. Use the “Map Indicator” control to choose between "Incidence" or "Mortality". Then use “Year”, “Geography”, “Health District/Locality”, “Race”, “Sex”, and “Cancer Site” controls to filter changes in the map. Hover your cursor the map to see rates and counts for the selected filter. Use the bottom section of the dashboard to compare the health district/locality to the state and nation.


Note: The Virginia Cancer Registry (VCR) recently improved their quality assurance process on cancer incidence data. We reviewed and and ensured patient residence information reported by healthcare providers, including hospitals, clinics, physician's offices, and laboratories for diagnosis years from 2016 to 2021 were accurate, using a mapping tool recommended by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). The Virginia Cancer Registry continues to assess variations using a 95% confidence interval.

Last Updated: February 8, 2025