Planning & Design Fund Application & Information

The 1996 Amendments of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) encourages States to provide technical assistance to waterworks. To meet these requirements, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Office of Drinking Water (ODW) created the Planning & Design Fund Program to provide financial assistance for eligible projects at community and nonprofit, non-transient non-community (NTNC) waterworks.

VDH will consider up to three applications from a waterworks owner in each funding year. However, due to the demand for the Program and limited funds for projects, offers will be limited to a maximum of two grants of not more than $45,000 each, per eligible waterworks owner per funding year. Multiple applications from one owner must be for different areas of a waterworks’ infrastructure (e.g. source, treatment, distribution, security, etc.) or for a completely different waterworks (i.e., a waterworks with a different PWSID #).

VDH reserves the right to fund a project received at any time during the year, or to by-pass any project for lack of progress at any time. VDH also reserves the right to decide if funding is contingent upon adjusting water rates and/or requiring savings for financial reserves. Funding is not contingent on receiving a local match.

Please click the link to view the Instructions for filling out the application.

The Planning & Design Fund Application is available to download as a PDF or a Word document.

Please note that applications are accepted year-round.  Refer to the application packet for submittal instructions.

For more information please contact:

Barry E. Matthews, CPG, Director
Division of Training, Capacity Development and Outreach
(804) 477-5171


Jarrett Talley, Capacity Development Supervisor
(804) 317-0140

Last Updated: January 2, 2025