VIIS Registration

What is VERIP?

VERIP (Virginia Electronic Registration for Immunization Programs) is a web-based registration system for the Division of Immunization. Providers must complete a registration in VERIP before access to VIIS (Virginia Immunization Information System) is granted.

All VIIS Organizations are required to register in VERIP and sign the security agreements. Registrations are renewed annually. Office staff are encouraged to attend a VIIS training session before login credentials are given.

Download a PDF version of VIIS Onboarding Toolkit

Each VERIP registration must have at least one individual who will be the VERIP User for the organization. The VERIP User is the main point-of-contact on the registration and responsible for ensuring the organization’s registration is updated annually.

The VIIS Administrator is the primary contact for those using VIIS at an organization. The Administrator must be added to the registration, and will receive an email from VERIP which will contain the VDH security agreements which must be signed electronically. The Administrator is expected to keep track of the following:

  • Staff using VIIS have been properly trained to access the registry and reset passwords for users.
  • Reactivate and inactivate VIIS user accounts.
  • Be able to train internal staff or schedule training with a VIIS Trainer.

Last Updated: September 21, 2022