VDH IVPP and internal agency partners continue to build partnerships through multiple public health and public safety collaborations to strengthen and improve efforts to reduce drug overdoses, including 1) Enhancing programs to support the needs of those at risk of overdose, and 2) Bridging knowledge, data, and service gaps that impact the success of community-wide overdose prevention efforts.
Rapid response
VDH IVPP and internal partners work to address spikes in opioid-involved overdoses or closures of clinic where patients are prescribed opioid therapy. VDH partners with the CDC to establish federal, state, and local public safety and health official partnerships for this initiative and to develop planning tools so that a response can be effective.
VDH is working to expand its High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area’s (HIDTA) Overdose Detection Mapping Application (ODMAP) statewide to monitor overdoses, facilitate post-overdose outreach efforts, detect overdose spikes, locate hotspots, and identify emerging drug threats. To learn more, visit Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program - (
VDH IVPP has worked with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation, focusing on expanding access to services for people with mental and/or substance use disorders who come into contact with the adult criminal justice system. Our program has worked with communities to conduct intercept mapping to improve linkages. For more information, contact To learn more about the GAINS Center, visit GAINS Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation | SAMHSA
Intercept mapping and retrospective case review
VDH IVPP is working to utilize the Public Health and Safety Team (PHAST) Toolkit to help local jurisdictions reduce overdose deaths by increasing collaboration and coordination among all sectors, with a focus on public health and public safety agencies. To learn more, visit Home - PHAST
Last Updated: August 24, 2023