One of the benefits of being a VA MRC Volunteer is the
opportunity to attend trainings that will advance your public health education and help you become a better prepared MRC volunteer.
We are offering LIVE virtual training sessions with state-level subject matter experts. All VA MRC volunteers are welcome to attend any of the sessions below. Don’t miss out on these informative webinars register in TRAIN. To view training recordings see the links below. Note: Most trainings are posted to our Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
Virtual Platform used during MRC Statewide Training: WebEx Connection Tutorial
**If you are looking for a specific training plan, visit the Vaccinator Training Information page.**
To help eliminate connectivity issues, we suggest you research the following before the training:
- How early to log on? We recommend trying to connect early by 5-10 minutes to ensure you have no connectivity issues. When the room opens, please ensure you mute your mic. *Video is not required for training.*
- Is there a password? The links provided should automatically route you past the password requirement. If you are requested to enter a password given in the training alert.
Live OCME Overview from MRC Volunteers
Date of Training: Sept. 10, 2024
Start Training: 6:30 pm
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Registration: To register for the webinar go to TRAIN Course ID#1123100
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED VVHS 101 for MRC Volunteers
Start Training: TRAIN Course ID# 1122890
Training Duration: 60 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED TRAIN 101 for MRC Volunteers
Start Training: TRAIN Course ID#1121507
Training Duration: 60 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Shelter Fundamentals Training
Overview of primary roles and responsibilities for shelter support and activation, providing an infection prevention perspective.
Start Training: 1120658
Training Duration: 2hrs
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Workforce Violence Prevention and Lone Worker for MRC Volunteers
With the increase of workplace violence incidents among healthcare workers and the possibility of Medical Reserve Corps volunteers working alone, it is important to understand the risks volunteers may be exposed to in the performance of their duties.
Start Training: TRAIN Course ID# 1119709
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED The Culture Diversity & Competency 101 Training for MRC Volunteers
Dr. Rebecca Vargus-Jackson a professor in the area of cultural diversity at George Mason University will present an informative session on how to best communicate with others from different cultures. After the session, attendees will:
- Increase your knowledge and understanding about the many elements that play a role in culturally tailored communications
- Increase knowledge and understanding of why Health Literacy is key to improving and maintaining health, and health risk communications of diverse community groups
- Increase your knowledge regarding the importance of messaging transcreation for effective communications with diverse populations
- Increase awareness of the important role that diversity, culture, and language play in understanding messages, communications, and access to information
Start Training: TRAIN Course ID# 1093530
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Psychological First Aid Overview
This overview will provide first-line mental health support to yourself and others so that you can prepare yourself for times of heightened stress. Learning these skills will help you better support your community in the event of a disaster and can be used in everyday settings to care for distressed individuals, be they your colleagues, friends, or family.
Start Training: TRAIN Course ID# 1117923
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED ICS in a Nutshell
This training is an introduction/refresher to the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides real public health examples in an interactive and informative. Note: This course is an introduction to ICS concepts applied to public health. To obtain an ICS 100 certificate, attendees MUST complete the FEMA IS-100 and 700 online courses.
Start Training: TRAIN Course ID# 1116513
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Self-Care Management
Everyone deserves to take good care of themselves, but oftentimes we get busy and forget about our own needs, especially when we are in positions of helping, caregiving, and taking care of others. This training is for those who have a basic understanding of mental health and would like to learn more about how to care for themselves physically and mentally. This training will include information and activities on new ideas for healthy coping skills, how to set boundaries with self and others, and warning signs for needing additional resources and support. Guest Speaker: Kristina Hall, CommonHealth Virginia
Start Training: TRAIN Course ID# 1115899
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Holiday Safety
The leaves are falling and the temperature is changing. Join us for a webinar presented by VDH Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Brendan Mahoney and he provides tools to help keep you and your family safe during this holiday season.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1115264
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Using Dogs During an Emergency Response and Recovery
Learn how trained dogs and certified response teams can provide emotional comfort and support to people affected by crises and disasters from Guest Panelists: Jill Cucaz, HOPE; Aline Carr, Va.Beach City Government; Amy Lane, VDH Blue Ridge MRC Unit Coordinator.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1114679
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Hurricane Preparedness for MRC Volunteers
Hurricanes are among nature’s most powerful and destructive phenomena. On average, 12 tropical storms, 6 of which become hurricanes form over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, or Gulf of Mexico during the hurricane season which runs from June 1 to November 30 each year. Join us as the panelists of subject matter experts share how we can prepare for a hurricane. Guest Panelists: Joel Cline, NOAA; Bruce Sterling, VDEM; Alexandra Baldwin, VDH; and John Cooke, VDH.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1114678
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Overview of VDH for MRC Volunteers
This course provides an overview of the Virginia Department of Health for Medical Reserve Corps volunteers.
Start Training: TRAIN Course ID#1113069
Training Duration: 2 hours
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED EAC Support Mission for MRC Volunteers
The training will provide radiological health information for volunteers who will perform the EAC Support mission.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1114021
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Communication Best Practices for MRC Volunteers
The training will provide communication best practices for volunteers who are performing contact tracing duties.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1113132
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Providing Compassionate Crisis Care for MRC Volunteers
EVMS Compassionate Crisis Care (CCC) is a video that has been developed in collaboration with VDH to improve the quality of behavioral care to residents in nursing homes during pandemics and disasters. This video recording educates emergency response volunteers on how to respond to emergencies affecting long-term care facilities and effectively manage patients with cognitive impairments and disabilities.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1112417
Training Duration: 5 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials Radiological Health Overview for MRC Volunteers
RECORDED Introduction to Public Health for MRC Volunteers
The training will provide an overview of public health in the Virginia Dept. of Health’s mission.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1112183
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials Radiological Health Overview for MRC Volunteers
RECORDED Recovery & Resilience Through Trauma: Crime Victims Crisis Assistance & Response Team for MRC Volunteers
The training will provide an overview of what the Victim Crisis Assistance Response Team does during an emergency response. Facilitator: Dawn Bush, Virginia Dept. of Criminal Justice Services
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1111883
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials Radiological Health Overview for MRC Volunteers
RECORDED Radiological Health Overview for MRC Volunteers
The training will provide an overview of the Office of Radiological Health and its mission as it pertains to public health. Facilitators: Office of Radiological Health Staff
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1111440
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Virginia Volunteer Health System (VVHS) Updates Overview
VVHS is the place where volunteers start their application to become a volunteer. This is also the place where contact information, and profile photo, and update any credentials or certificates you have. Many have asked for the system to be mobile-friendly and now it is easier to navigate!
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at
Training Duration: 60 minutes
RECORDED Strategic National Stockpile Overview for MRC Volunteers
The training will provide an overview of the strategic national stockpile (SNS) for volunteers.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1110891
Training Duration: 60 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Avian Flu Overview for MRC Volunteers
The training will provide an overview of the mission of using a HAM in emergency response as a volunteer.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1110503
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED Conflict Management for MRC Volunteers
The training will provide an overview of how to manage conflict as a volunteer.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1110220
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED HAM Radio Interest Meeting for MRC Volunteers
The training will provide an overview of the mission of using a HAM in emergency response as a volunteer.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1109675
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Note: Learning Management System TRAIN Help Tutorials
RECORDED RadHealth Team Mission Interest Meeting
Office of Radiological Health will provide an overview of RadHealth response missions and discuss the upcoming mission opportunities.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1108452
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation slides: To download, Click Here.
RECORDED Behind the Scenes of COVID-19 Response for MRC Volunteers
MRC Volunteers will listen in on a panel discussion about the awareness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 from a local health department perspective.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1108434
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation slides: None
RECORDED Self-Care for MRC Volunteers
Everyone deserves to take good care of themselves, but oftentimes we get busy and forget about our own needs, especially when we are in positions of helping, caregiving, and taking care of others. This training is for those who have a basic understanding of mental health and would like to learn more on how to care for themselves physically and mentally. This training will include information and activities on new ideas for healthy coping skills, how to set boundaries with self and others, and warning signs for needing additional resources and support.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1107664!
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation slides: None
RECORDED Personal Preparedness for MRC Volunteers
Readiness is a central pillar of the Medical Reserve Corps. Behind your preparedness to respond and help others in times of emergencies is your personal readiness to withstand and overcome disasters. Such a capability exists because you take threats seriously and plan for the worst. Perhaps it is time to review your plan, or maybe you have not yet taken time to prepare. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to hear some helpful information and look at some excellent preparedness resources and tools in an upcoming virtual training session with a Local Health Emergency Coordinator
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1107404!
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation slides: To download, Click Here.
RECORDED Point of Dispensing/Vaccination (PODs) for MRC Volunteers
PODs are a crucial component of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response. Public Health and Emergency Management agencies, along with our Whole Community Partners, set up PODs to provide the public with life-saving medical countermeasures during public health emergencies.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1107242!
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation slides: None
RECORDED Monkeypox 101 Overview for MRC
Brooke Rossheim, MD, MPH, Public Health Physician Specialist will provide a high-level overview of the virus, testing information, and discuss vaccines available vaccines. This is an overview only and not vaccinator training.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1105938
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation slides: To download, Click Here.
RECORDED Basics of TRAIN for MRC Volunteers
TRAIN is a national learning network that provides thousands of quality training opportunities to more than 2 million professionals who protect and improve the public’s health. Learn to access your profile, search for available training, and access your transcripts.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1105794
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation slides: None
RECORDED ICS in a Nutshell for MRC Volunteers
This training is an introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS) provides real public health examples in an interactive and informative. Note: This course is an introduction to ICS concepts applied to public health. To obtain an ICS 100 certificate, attendees must complete the FEMA IS-100 online course.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1086358 now!
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation slides: None
RECORDED OCME Orientation for MRC Volunteers
This training will provide an overview of OCME, its responsibilities, and needs. The training will also include the requirements that are needed to volunteer to assist OCME staff.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID# 1104352 now!
Training Duration: 60 minutes
*If you are interested in volunteering on the support team please complete the following training plan in TRAIN. OCME/MRC Support Team Training Plan # 5770
Presentation Slides: None
RECORDED Assisting Individuals with Access and Functional Needs
During this informative webinar, terms such as access and functional needs will be defined and discussed on how to plan for individuals in an emergency and how to assist these individuals during outreach events.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video at TRAIN Course ID#1104164 now!
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation Slides: To download, CLICK HERE.
Additional Resources:
RECORDED VDH & MRC: Past, Present & Future
During this live panel discussion, join State and Local VDH Staff and current MRC Volunteers to explore the history of the Medical Reserve Corps in Virginia, its role within the Virginia Department of Health, notable response activities, and what the future holds.
Start Training: Watch the TRAIN Course ID# 1103820 or watch RECORDED video now!
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation slides: None
RECORDED MRC Shelter Preparedness Training Overview
An informative webinar that provides a basic overview of sheltering within the Commonwealth during COVID-19 response. The course will highlight and address the primary roles and responsibilities of MRC volunteers.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video now!
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation Slides: To download, CLICK HERE.
Attendance: You are responsible for reporting your attendance, CLICK HERE to get started.
RECORDED Statewide Orientation
Don’t want to wait for the next LIVE event, complete your orientation TODAY and become one step closer to a deployable volunteer.
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video now!
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation Slides: To download, CLICK HERE.
Attendance: You are responsible for reporting your attendance, CLICK HERE to get started.
RECORDED MRC Risk Communication & Outreach Training
An informative webinar that provides a basic overview of interpersonal communication, relaying public health messages, and the basics of communication theory.D
Start Training: Watch the RECORDED video now!
Training Duration: 90 minutes
Presentation Slides: To download, CLICK HERE.
Attendance: You are responsible for reporting your attendance, CLICK HERE to get started.
RECORDED MRC REVIVE Community Training
An informative webinar that provides a basic definition of opioids and how opioid overdoses happen. This course will provide the necessary steps to respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of naloxone. Note: Viewing this recording can be used for information purposes only. Certification cannot be issued to those viewing the recorded training.
Duration: 90 minutes
Registration: NONE
Start Training: Watch the CLICK HERE video now!
Presentation Slides: To download, CLICK HERE.
RECORDED COVID-19 MRC Point of Testing Operations Overview
An informative webinar that will provide a basic overview COVID-19 testing in Virginia and how volunteers can serve in supporting community testing operations. This training is highly recommended for COVID-19 testing team members or ANY volunteer interested in joining.
Duration: 90 minutes
Registration: NONE
Start Training: Watch the CLICK HERE video now!
Presentation Slides: To download, CLICK HERE.
Attendance: You are responsible for reporting your attendance, CLICK HERE to get started.
If you attended a LIVE or RECORDED event prior to 2023, CLICK HERE to complete the attendance form once your training is complete. DON’T FORGET…you will need the “Secret Phrase” provided during your specific training event.
Training Questions or Trouble Registering? Email our team at