VIPTA is a statewide infection prevention and control education collaborative, led by the Virginia Healthcare-Associated Infections Advisory Group. Through partnership, VIPTA curates IPC resources for Virginia’s healthcare, congregate care, and public health settings.
Upcoming Events
Shining a Light on Representation in Healthcare Training
Mpox is a contagious rash illness caused by the mpox virus. In November 2024, the first case of clade I mpox was confirmed in the United States. The Virginia Department of Health’s mpox fact sheet features medical images of diverse skin tones to enhance healthcare professionals’ ability to recognize mpox symptoms in all patients.
In a 2022 study, Buonsenso et al. found that 74% of surveyed healthcare professionals reported using training materials featuring predominantly white skin, and only 5% felt confident diagnosing skin conditions across all skin tones. Inclusive training materials like this not only build diagnostic confidence but also advance equitable care for diverse communities.
Want to Learn More? Access the VDH mpox fact sheet for practical guidance on prevention, symptoms, and treatment. Visit VDH’s mpox webpage to learn more.
Target Audience: Foundational IPC Education Level
Guidance & Regulation Updates
VIPTA members track guidance and regulation resources to share source documents that guide infection prevention and control practices for public health staff and clinical and non-clinical healthcare personnel.
The date of the regulation or guidance update is included in each post. Please check linked content to be sure it is the most up to date and recommended practice.
Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) November Public Meeting Recap (11/14/24)
Interim Guidance for Employers to Reduce Exposure to Novel Influenza A (Such as H5N1 Bird Flu) for People Working with or Exposed to Animals (11/12/2024)
2023 National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Progress Report
Increase in Pneumonia and Pertussis Infections
First Case of Clade I Mpox Diagnosed in the United States
VDH Infection Prevention Education in the Northwest Region
Kayleigh Rehkopf, VDH’s Northwest Regional Infection Preventionist, would like to highlight three VDH staff in the Northwest region (Stephanie Neal, Candace Ashworth, and Brad Evert) for their outstanding work in infection prevention and control (IPC) education!
Stephanie is the Junior District Epidemiologist for Lord Fairfax Health District, and she has been working on preparing and disseminating IPC education for nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and schools. Brad and Candace, part of the Regional Containment Team, eagerly jumped in to help with the education and went outside their normal scope of work to be a part of this important initiative. They did a great job familiarizing themselves with the education and making connections in the community to deliver the content effectively. Having them on the team really helped to make this education effort a success.
Thank you, Stephanie, Candace, and Brad, for all that you do to keep our community safe and healthy!
IPC Education & Training Library
Search the VIPTA library of curated infection prevention and control (IPC) education and training resources. The IPC Education & Training Resource Library includes state and national resources related to healthcare-associated infections, antimicrobial resistance and/or IPC. Visit the VIPTA FAQ page to learn more about VIPTA library content.