Virginia Infection Prevention & Control Training Alliance (VIPTA)

Upcoming Events

Image of lifeguard in chair with water along the bottom. Text states: Staying Safe in the SPLASH ZONE.

New Resource is making a SPLASH!

Virginia Infection Prevention and Control Training Center (VIPTC) released their first animated video, and it is focused on the risky “splash zone” around healthcare water sources.

Staying Safe in the Splash Zone (3:30)

Target Audience: Essentials IPC education level

Ways to Share These Resources:

  • This quick video, only three and a half minutes long, is perfect to add to facility orientation and to include in annual infection prevention and control updates.
  • You can pair this video with a rounding checklist or splash zone reminder sign that is available from Health Quality Innovation:

Guidance & Regulation Updates

VIPTA members track guidance and regulation resources to share source documents that guide infection prevention and control practices for public health staff and clinical and non-clinical healthcare personnel.

The date of the regulation or guidance update is included in each post.  Please check linked content to be sure it is the most up to date and recommended practice.

VDH: Reporting Adverse Events in Children Following Exposure to THC and CBD Containing Products (4/24/2024)
Acute Care Hospital
Ambulatory (Outpatient) Care
Department of Health
Pediatric / NICU
VDH: Increase in Meningococcal Disease: Ongoing Statewide Outbreak and Local Detections of a Separate Antibiotic Resistant Strain (4/11/2024)
Any Practice Setting
Department of Health
Emergency Preparedness & Operations
Outbreak Investigation
Mpox waste management guidance updated (4/5/2024)
Acute Care Hospital
Department of Health
Emergency Preparedness & Operations

Image of educational posters and learning areas.

Virginia Long-Term Care Infrastructure Pilot Project (VLIPP)

Carilion Clinic’s Virginia Long-Term Care Infrastructure Pilot Project (VLIPP) is a grant-funded program focused on improving infection prevention and control practices within local long-term care (LTC) facilities. The team has been working on various projects since the program’s launch, collaborating with LTC facilities across the Southwest Region. A keystone of the project is staff education on setting-specific infection prevention and control practices. The team provides education in fun and engaging ways including escape rooms and simulated training that incorporates real-life scenarios. The program also hosts a quarterly “Staying in the Know” webinar series aimed at providing updates and guidance on current infection prevention and control issues. Visit Carilion Clinic Infection Prevention and Control for additional information about Carilion Clinic VLIPP.

In addition to education, training, and onsite technical support, a peer-to-peer network has been launched for LTC facility infection preventionists (IPs). The network’s goal is to create a safe space for LTC IPs to connect, share resources and perspectives, and support one another. The network provides an avenue for IPs to talk about IP challenges in the facility, problem solve, and promote mentorship relationships between the IPs. The inspiration for the network arose from feedback received from facility IPs. Interest in knowing how other IPs practice in the LTC setting and navigate their roles and responsibilities was identified as a recurring theme.

The successful launch of the peer-to-peer network demonstrates the devotion of the LTC IPs to the work they do. The Carilion Clinic VLIPP team is excited to see a positive response to the network. LTC IPs in Virginia are welcome to join the network. For additional information about joining, reach out to either of the Carilion Clinic VLIPP infection preventionists listed below.

Steve Carter –

Matthew Skinner –

IPC Education & Training Library

Search the VIPTA library of curated infection prevention and control (IPC) education and training resources. The IPC Education & Training Resource Library includes state and national resources related to healthcare-associated infections, antimicrobial resistance and/or IPC. Visit the VIPTA FAQ page to learn more about VIPTA library content.


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