Information for Waterworks Owners

Drinking Water Information Following a Disaster

Power outages
Power outages can cause problems for facilities with wells.  If your facility is served by a well, the well pump will not work when the power goes out.  If you lose power and water pressure, please contact your local field office.

Facilities that rely on wells for their water should consider their well contaminated if it was submerged or they believe it is possible the well became submerged during the hurricane. If the well was flooded and underwater, please contact your local field office. Do not turn on the pump until you are sure the electrical system is completely dried out.  Consider a well that has been submerged contaminated and disinfect the well and the water system using this procedure once you are sure the electrical system is safe.  The water should not be consumed until bacteriological testing indicates the well is not contaminated. Two satisfactory bacteriological tests performed on samples taken at least 24 hours apart will indicate your water supply has been properly disinfected.  Labs certified to test drinking water are available HERE.

Last Updated: December 11, 2024