Virginia Infection Prevention & Control Training Alliance (VIPTA)

Upcoming Events

Three Injectioneers

One for All! Mastering Safe Injection Practices with the Injectioneers

Say ‘bonjour’ to better vial safety! A VIPTA partner, the Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center (VIPTC), brings you the Injectioneers— a fun and animated team delivering practical tips through an engaging story to keep your injection practices sharp.

Single and Multidose Vials with the Injectioneers

What to Expect

  • Follow the “Injectioneers” as they demonstrate the essential steps for safely handling single-use and multi-dose vials.
  • Learn the “only one” rule and gain practical tips on preparation, handling, and disposal.

Ways to Share this Resource

  • Use in team huddles, training sessions, or email updates.
  • Perfect for introducing or reinforcing foundational infection prevention concepts.

Target Audience: Foundational IPC Education Level

Guidance & Regulation Updates

VIPTA members track guidance and regulation resources to share source documents that guide infection prevention and control practices for public health staff and clinical and non-clinical healthcare personnel.

The date of the regulation or guidance update is included in each post.  Please check linked content to be sure it is the most up to date and recommended practice.

Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) November Public Meeting Recap (11/14/24)
Any Practice Setting
Transmission-Based Precautions
During the November meeting, the workgroup presented responses to the committee for the draft Guidelines for Isolation Precautions and Infection Control in Healthcare Personnel. HICPAC voted and approved the responses.
Interim Guidance for Employers to Reduce Exposure to Novel Influenza A (Such as H5N1 Bird Flu) for People Working with or Exposed to Animals (11/12/2024)
Acute Care Hospital
Ambulatory (Outpatient) Care
Department of Health
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Transmission-Based Precautions
This updated interim guidance identifies work tasks that may pose an increased risk of worker exposure to novel influenza A viruses associated with disease in humans and provides recommended controls for each level. Specific recommendations for these work tasks may be updated as CDC learns more during this evolving situation.
2023 National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Progress Report
Acute Care Hospital
Department of Health
Data Analysis
The 2023 National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Progress Report provides a summary of national and state level data for select HAIs across four healthcare settings: acute care hospitals (ACHs), critical access hospitals (CAHs), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) and long-term acute care hospitals (LTACHs). In acute care hospitals, standardized infection ratios (SIRs) showed statistically significant improvement in 2023 compared to 2022 for all HAIs except surgical site infections.
Increase in Pneumonia and Pertussis Infections
Acute Care Hospital
Ambulatory (Outpatient) Care
Department of Health
Mobile Clinic
Pediatric / NICU
Laboratory Collection and Interpretation
Updates on the increases in pneumonia and pertussis in Virginia along with diagnosis, testing, treatment, and infection prevention and control recommendations.
First Case of Clade I Mpox Diagnosed in the United States
Acute Care Hospital
Ambulatory (Outpatient) Care
Department of Health
Emergency Preparedness & Operations
Laboratory Collection and Interpretation
Transmission-Based Precautions
A Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory to provide information about the first case of clade I mpox diagnosed in the United States and recommendations to clinicians about preventing, diagnosing, treating, and reporting mpox cases.

What’s In Your Water?

Hayley Andrews, an infection preventionist in the southwest region of Virginia, used her curious mind and a desire to educate others to help uncover environmental contamination that caused an illness in one of her patients.

Hayley’s facility admitted a patient with sepsis, and blood cultures grew Aeromonas hydrophilaBecause Hayley had never heard of this organism, she researched it and learned that it is typically a waterborne organism.  Hayley took this information to the nursing unit where the patient was located and the patient’s son heard her educating the nurses about Aeromonas.  He joined in and mentioned that his mom had a well and he was concerned that it may be contaminated.

The health department visited the home and tested the water. Sure enough, it was contaminated with Aeromonas and other organisms, and failed potability testing. The health department was able to get the patient an alternate, safe water source upon her discharge to prevent further infection until her well water could be remediated. 

Thank you, Hayley! Your diligence prevented this patient from getting sick again, and perhaps prevented other neighbors from a similar outcome! 

IPC Education & Training Library

Search the VIPTA library of curated infection prevention and control (IPC) education and training resources. The IPC Education & Training Resource Library includes state and national resources related to healthcare-associated infections, antimicrobial resistance and/or IPC. Visit the VIPTA FAQ page to learn more about VIPTA library content.


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Last Updated: February 14, 2024