Community Health Data

Community Metrics

Community health is the mutual well-being of community members. RRHD uses metrics to understand the health of our community. The data help us to plan, manage, and define areas to take action to improve health.

Rappahannock-Rapidan Well-being

RRHD Well-Being. Comparison of all counties in the district (Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock) and the state of Virginia

Additional Resources

County Health Rankings

Many factors influence how well and how long we live, from our access to affordable housing or well-paying jobs to opportunities for a good education for our kids. The County Health Rankings model show us how these factors work together and illustrates where we can take action to improve health and eliminate unjust barriers to opportunity.

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Virginia's Plan for Wellbeing

Health begins where Virginians live, work, and play. Virginia's Plan for Well-Being lays out the foundation for giving everyone a change to live a healthy life. The plan highlights specific goals and strategies on which communities can focus so the state can make measurable health improvement by 2030.

Virginia’s Plan for Well-Being

Assessment and Map Report Examples

The portal improves access to up-to-date, state-level health data; support robust community health assessments; and support the alignment of health priorities across public and private health systems in Virginia. A guide has been created with an example on how to create community health assessment and map reports.