MAPP2Health Data

MAPP Priority Indicators: How Healthy is Our Community?

Visit BRHD’s Tableau Public page for 20+ interactive MAPP indicators by priority. MAPP priority indicators are long-term community indicators measured over time (years) and represent areas that require collective action from multiple agencies and sectors to address.

Considerations in indicator selection included:

  1. Sample size and population
  2. Timeliness—are the data recent? Is collection of data ongoing and are there planned data releases?
  3. Geography—are the data available at a local level (by county or smaller)?
  4. How well does it address the priority?
  5. Overall balance between indicators within the priority with ~5 indicators per MAPP priority

2022 Data from MAPP2Health Council Meetings →→

2018 BRHD Community Health Survey

In 2018, BRHD commissioned a community health survey designed to address current gaps in local data. Read the survey methodology and review the responses: BRHD_CommunitySurvey_v1.2.

Virginia Department of Health Data Portal

Visit for additional community health assessment, public, and population health data.

Other Data Sources

Community Commons:

Policy Map:

Robert Wood Johnson County Health Rankings:

U.S. Census Bureau: