Infection Prevention and Control


Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) practices are used daily to prevent or stop the spread of infections and disease in the general community and in all types of healthcare settings. These practices include standard recommendations proven to reduce the risk of disease transmission and represent essential actions for patient safety and quality of healthcare. A basic understanding of IPC standard practices is necessary to implement safe and responsible care and ensure these practices are followed by all.  Links are provided to full guidelines and source documents for more details and background information.

VDH Infection Prevention and Control Assessments

Our team is available to conduct no cost, consultative, non-regulatory, and non-punitive onsite assessments for infection prevention and control (IPC) programs in Virginia.

Benefits of Collaborating with VDH for IPC Assessments:

  • The VDH Team can help strengthen your facility’s IPC program and activities
  • IPC Program improvements make your facility safer for patients and staff
  • VDH experts can answer your questions and provide education and training at no cost

What to Expect at your IPC Assessment: 

  • Before the in-person assessment, VDH will ask you some demographic questions to understand your facility better
  • During the visit, VDH staff will tour your facility to learn and observe IPC practices
  • After the visit, VDH staff will:
    • Provide a written summary of facility strengths and recommendations for IPC improvement
    • Offer follow-up discussion
    • Supply resources and education tailored to your needs




Regional IP Map

In addition to HAI/AR staff at Central Office, a team of Regional Infection Preventionists is available for IPC consultation. Please contact

Virginia Regional IP Map

Local Health Departments

Contact your local health department to report cases of disease, outbreaks, or ask infection prevention-related questions.




Educational Resources

Supplementary sources that provide valuable infection prevention resources:

Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC)

Council for Outbreak Response: Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens (CORHA)

  • Resources and Products – resources on various infection prevention topics with a focus on principles and practices for healthcare outbreak response

Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN)

Statewide Program in Infection Control and Epidemiology (SPICE)

Virginia Healthcare-Associated Infections Advisory Group

VCU Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center




Setting-Specific Resources

Infection prevention and control resources specific to long-term care settings:

View Long-Term Care Homepage

Last Updated: January 9, 2025